Обсуждение: Re: Auto-explain patch


Re: Auto-explain patch

Dean Rasheed
> After sleeping on this, I think we should follow your idea.

Hmm. I preferred your idea ;-) It reduces the number of new parameters
back down to 3, which makes it easier to use:

* trace_min_planner_duration - int, PGC_USERSET
* trace_min_executor_duration - int, PGC_USERSET
* trace_explain_plan - bool, PGC_USERSET

(I already decided to drop the "sql_") with all output going to new level TRACE
as you described. So output goes to client and not server log by default as
soon as either of the first 2 parameters is enabled.

I've attached what I've done so far, which works according to the above
description. I've not done much testing or written any docs yet, It would be
good to know if this is along the right lines.

Changing parameter names is easy, although admittedly very important to
get right. You didn't say why you changed your mind on this?

I'm more concerned about any possible security holes it opens up.
For SQL in SQL functions, it just gives the function name and statement
number. For EXECUTEd queries, it doesn't have access to the SQL, so
it just logs the other stuff and any context info. For plpgsql functions it will
log values which appear as literals in any queries, but actually
debug_print_parse exposes far more info in this case.

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