Обсуждение: PGparam proposal


PGparam proposal

Andrew Chernow
We will have a 0.6 patch tomorrow.  This is not a patch, its a proposal.

The implementation has been  adjusted and is now a simple printf-style
interface.  This is just a design proposal to see if people like the
idea and interface.  Up to this point, we have not provided a formal
proposal; just a few patches with some explainations.

We would appreciate feedback!


This proposal extends libpq by adding a printf style functions for
sending and recveiving through the paramterized interface.  In
addition, a number of structs were introduced for storing the
binary version of built-in pgtypes.


*) Removes the need to manually convert values to C types.

*) Simplifies use of binary interface, putting or getting values

*) Provide simple structures for many pgtypes, such as polygon,
which are not documented for client use.

*) Promotes use of parameterized API, which has performance and
security benefits.

*) Support for arrays is a major plus; w/o parsing or dealing with
the binary format.

*) Only requires 4 new functions to exports.txt.


*) PQputf
*) PQgetf
*) PQexecParamsf
*) PQsendQueryParamsf

NOTE: Only PQputf and PQgetf are required for this interface to work.
With that in mind, the other two are really cool :)

int PQputf(PGconn *conn, const char *paramspec, ...);

PQputf offers a way of packing pgtypes for use with the parameterized
functions.  One or more values can be put at the same time.  The params
are stored within the PGconn struct as a PGparam structure (internal
API only). The paramspec describes the pgtypes that you want to put.
In the paramspec, anything other than a valid conversion specifiers is
ignored.  "%n4, -@#= %n8" is treated the same way as "%n4%n8".
Once all params have been put, one of four paramterized functions that
are aware of PGparam can be used:

* PQexecParams
* PQexecPrepared
* PQsendQueryParams
* PQsendQueryPrepared

For a list of PQputf conversion specifiers, see format_spec.txt.


PGpoint pt = {1.2, 4.5};

/* This puts an int4, int8, point and a text */
PQputf(conn, "%n4 %n8 %gp %cT", 100, 123LL, &pt, "text");

/* execute: Only the conn, command and resultFormat args are used. */
PQexecParams(conn, "INSERT INTO t VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)",
   0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);

int PQgetf(
   const PGresult *res,
   int tup_num,
   const char *fieldspec,

PQgetf offers a way of getting result values from binary results.  It
currently offers the ability to get from text results as well, but we
are not sure this should be supported.  PQgetf is really a way of
getting binary results.  In the fieldspec, anything other than a valid
conversion specifier is ignored.  "%n4, -@#= %n8" is treated the same
way as "%n4%n8".

For a list of PQgetf conversion specifiers, see format_spec.txt.


int i4;
long long i8;
PGpoint pt;
char *text;

/* From tuple 0, get an int4 from field 0, an int8 from field 1, a point
  * from field 2 and a text from field 3.
PQgetf(res, 0, "%n4 %n8 %gp %cT", 0, &i4, 1, &i8, 2, &pt, 3, &text);


We also propose two other functions that allow putting parameters and
executing all in one call.  This is basically a wrapper for PQputf +
exec/send.  These are the natural evolution of PQputf.

extern PGresult *PQexecParamsf(
   PGconn *conn,
   const char *cmdspec,
   int resultFormat,

extern int PQsendQueryParamsf(
   PGconn *conn,
   const char *cmdspec,
   int resultFormat,


int format = 1;
PGpoint pt = {1.2, 4.5};

/* 2 step example */
PQputf(conn, "%n4 %n8 %gp %cT", 100, 123LL, &pt, "text");
PQexecParams(conn, "INSERT INTO t VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)",
   0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);

/* 1 step example */
PQexecParamsf(conn, "INSERT INTO t VALUES (%n4, %n8, %gp, %cT,)",
   format, 100, 123LL, &pt, "text");

This causes the four params to be put.  Then the parameterized function
arrays are built and the below query is executed.

   INSERT INTO t VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)

If you use PQputf prior to execf/sendf, then those parameters are included.
Doing this is basically appending more params during the exec/send call.

PQputf(conn, "%n4", 100);
PQexecParamsf(conn, "INSERT INTO t VALUES (%cT, $1)", format, "text");

Resulting query assigns an int4 to $1 and a text to $2.

   INSERT INTO t VALUES ($2, $1)

andrew & merlin

For putf or getf, the conversion specifier is a % followed by a two character
encoding.  The first character indicates the type class while the second
character identifies the data type within that class.

The byteaptr and textptr are really bytea and text.  The "ptr" extension
indicates that only a pointer assignment should occur rather than a copy.

Most of the below types are already implemented.  Some are still being
worked on.

Character types:
  cc  "char"
  ct  text, varchar, char
  cT  textptr

Boolean types:
  bb  bool

Numeric Types:
  n2  int2
  n4  int4
  n8  int8
  nf  float4
  nd  float8
  nn  numeric

Bytea types:
  Bb  bytea
  BB  byteaptr

Geometric types:
  gp  point
  gl  lseg
  gb  box
  gc  circle
  gP  path
  gy  polygon

Network addrress types:
  Ni  inet/cidr
  Nm  macaddr

Monetary types:
  mm  money

Array types:
  aa  array

Date and time types:
  dt  time, timetz
  dd  date
  dT  timestamp, timestamptz
  di  interval

Object identifier types:
  oi  oid

PQputf use:

cc    "char"     int            1

ct    text       char*          strlen+1  NUL-terminated string that gets copied internally

cT    textptr    char*          strlen+1  NUL-terminated string that does not get copied

bb    bool       int            1

n2    int2       int            2

n4    int4       int            4

n8    int8       long long      8

nf    float4     double         4

nd    float8     double         8

nn    numeric    --             --

Bb    bytea      size_t, char*  --       Specify byte len of the bytea, copys internally

BB    byteaptr   size_t, char*  --       Specify byte len of the bytea, no copy

gp    point      PGpoint*       --

gl    lseg       PGlseg*        --

gb    box        PGbox*         --

gc    circle     PGcircle*      --

gP    path       PGpath*        --

gy    polygon    PGpolygon*     --

Ni    inet/cidr  PGinet*        --

Nm    macaddr    PGmacaddr*     --

mm    money      double         4 or 8

aa    array      --             --

dt    time       --             --

dd    date       --             --

dT    timestamp  --             --

di    interval   --             --

oi    oid        uint           4

PQgetf use:

NOTE: All get arguments must include the field_num followed by the below ARGTYPE.

  size_t bytea_len;
  char **bytea;
  int field_num = 0;
  PQgetf(res, tup_num, "%BB", field_num, &bytea_len, &bytea);

cc    "char"     int*            1

ct    text       size_t, char*   --        Specify char buffer length followed by a buffer
                                           Copies to provided buffer.

cT    textptr    char**          --        Provides a direct pointer, no copying

bb    bool       int*            1

n2    int2       int*            2

n4    int4       int*            4

n8    int8       long long*      8

nf    float4     double*         4

nd    float8     double*         8

nn    numeric    --              --

Bb    bytea      size_t*, char*  --        Specify char buffer length followed by a buffer.
                                           Copies to provided buffer and assigns provided
                                           size_t* to the bytea's length

BB    byteaptr   size_t*,char**  --        Provides a direct pointer to bytea, no copying.
                                           size_t* is assigned to bytea's length

gp    point      PGpoint*        --

gl    lseg       PGlseg*         --

gb    box        PGbox*          --

gc    circle     PGcircle*       --

gP    path       PGpath*         --

gy    polygon    PGpolygon*      --

Ni    inet/cidr  PGinet*         --

Nm    macaddr    PGmacaddr*      --

mm    money      double          4 or 8

aa    array      --              --

dt    time       --              --

dd    date       --              --

dT    timestamp  --              --

di    interval   --              --

oi    oid        uint            4

Re: PGparam proposal

Andrew Chernow
Andrew Chernow wrote:
> We will have a 0.6 patch tomorrow.  This is not a patch, its a proposal.
> The implementation has been  adjusted and is now a simple printf-style
> interface.  This is just a design proposal to see if people like the
> idea and interface.  Up to this point, we have not provided a formal
> proposal; just a few patches with some explainations.
> We would appreciate feedback!

Previous post inlined the format_specs.txt.  I attached it as a zip file.



Re: PGparam proposal

Tom Lane
Andrew Chernow <ac@esilo.com> writes:
> This proposal extends libpq by adding a printf style functions for
> sending and recveiving through the paramterized interface.

I think a printf-style API is fundamentally a bad idea in this context.
printf only works well when the set of concepts (datatypes, format
specifiers, etc) is small and fixed; neither of which adjectives
describe PG's set of datatypes.  You've already had to go to
two-character format codes in order to have even slightly mnemonic codes
for the most commonly used built-in types; that doesn't look like it's
going to scale up for long.  And what are you going to do about add-on
data types, such as contrib stuff, PostGIS and other add-on projects,
or user-defined types?

> PQputf offers a way of packing pgtypes for use with the parameterized
> functions.  One or more values can be put at the same time.  The params
> are stored within the PGconn struct as a PGparam structure (internal
> API only). The paramspec describes the pgtypes that you want to put.
> In the paramspec, anything other than a valid conversion specifiers is
> ignored.  "%n4, -@#= %n8" is treated the same way as "%n4%n8".
> Once all params have been put, one of four paramterized functions that
> are aware of PGparam can be used:

I find the idea of embedding state like that into the PGconn to be
pretty horrid, as well.  It makes the design non-reentrant --- consider
the example of wanting to execute a query during the process of
computing parameters for a later query.  If there's merit in the idea
at all, expose PGparam as a separate (but opaque) data structure that is
explicitly passed into and out of the functions that are concerned with

> * PQexecParams
> * PQexecPrepared
> * PQsendQueryParams
> * PQsendQueryPrepared

You can't just randomly change the behavior of existing API functions.

> Date and time types:
>   dt  time, timetz
>   dd  date
>   dT  timestamp, timestamptz
>   di  interval

I'm not sure whether timestamp/timestamptz can or should be treated
as interchangeable; but time and timetz definitely are not.

BTW, how will this code react to the inevitable future changes in
binary formats?  As examples, show what you'd do with

* the 8.2-to-8.3 change in the width of type money

* the likely future change to type timestamptz to store original timezone explicitly

* the likely future change to type text to store encoding/collation info explicitly

If the answer is that libpq will be unable to deal with these
events, I think the proposal is dead in the water.  There's a reason
why we aren't pushing client-side use of binary formats very hard:
in many cases those formats are subject to change.

There might be some value in the concept of building up parameter
values in a PGparam object before passing it to an eventual PQexec-like
function.  However, I see no reason to tie that concept to the
use of binary parameter format.
        regards, tom lane

Re: PGparam proposal

Andrew Chernow
For starters, if binary results is a feature you wish you could uninvent 
then we are probably dead in the water for that reason.  This goes to 
the core of our concept.  If there is no desire to synch client & server 
in regards to type handling, than this a waste of time.  I think all of 
this would make libpq more powerful.  With that said, my follow up:
> I think a printf-style API is fundamentally a bad idea in this> context. printf only works well when the set of
concepts(datatypes,> format specifiers, etc) is small and fixed;

As of now, including numbers and alpha chars, there are 62 classes of 
which we used 11 (a class is the first char).  That leaves 51 classes 
with 62 types per class.  Where I would agree with you, is that over 
time things can become cryptic.

There are only several ways to do this.

1. Use Oids - doesn't work because they are not publically exposed by libpq.

2. Create a function for each type.  This idea was rejected because it 
bloated the API (I'll buy this).

3. Type aliasing schema - naturally, printf-style comes to mind but may 
become cryptic.

I should mention that we were only trying to support built-in pgtypes in 
libpq.  If you are looking to support all external types, then we 
propose the below:

For #3, maybe it would be better to abandon %c or %cc type encoding and 
move into something more verbose.  We could just spell out the type: 
%int4, %point, etc...  Maybe for built-in types you could prepend 'pg': 
%pgint4, %pgpoint. This opens up the namespace and removes scalability 
and cryptic issues.

Expanding on %pgint4 idea, 3rd party types can supply their own %typname 
handlers (a more moduler approach).  You can install them at runtime, 
PQinstallTypeHandler(typname, etc..), or something like that.  When a 
3rd party %typname is encountered, the appropriate handler would be 
used.  Standard pgtypes would be installed by default.

PQinstallTypeHandler(... "gisbox2d" ...);
PQputf(... "%gisbox2d %pgpolygon %pgint4" ...);
//PQgetf would use the same %typname

The only thing libpq should support by default, is the built-in pgtypes.  A handler can expand on this.
> I find the idea of embedding state like that into the PGconn to be> pretty horrid, as well.  It makes the design
non-reentrant>>You can't just randomly change the behavior of existing API functions.

Okay.  We initially had the PGparam as a public opaque, but changed it.  We will stop piggy backing off the existing
Instead, we will supply a PGparam exec/send functions.

typedef struct pg_param PGparam;//opaque

param = PQparamCreate(conn);
PQputf(param, "%pgint4 %pgtimestamptz", 62, &tstz);
res = PQparamExec(conn, param, "command", resfmt);
//PQparamExec will always PQparamClear(param), whether it failed or not
//That means after an exec/send, the param object is ready for puts
PQparamFinish(param); // free it

// This causes the below sequence of function calls:
// PQparamCreate, PQputf, PQexecParams("... VALUES ($1)"), PQparamFinish
res = PQparamExecf(conn, resfmt, "INSERT INTO t VALUES (%pgint)", 62);
> * the 8.2-to-8.3 change in the width of type money

We have code comments throughout the patches, as well as documented in 
the release notes.  At this point, we solved getf by checking 
PGgetlength.  If its 4, read4 otherwise read8.  For putf, we would have 
to check the server version.
> * the likely future change to type timestamptz to store original>   timezone explicitly

We would have to change how timestamptz handles the binary format from 
that version forward, looks like a switch on sversion for back+forwards 
> * the likely future change to type text to store encoding/collation>   info explicitly

Would the server do text conversion and then pass the converted text 
back to the client?  Or, would it choose a common encoding like UTF-8 
and return the text with encoding and let the client convert.  How does 
this affect text format?

In the end, some of these changes would change the text format right? 
That would push these changes into the API users lap, to parse and fuss 
with.  I just think it is cleaner to synch the binary and/or text 
formats with the server.  If you are looking for ways to change the 
binary/text format of types w/o having to make the most recent clients 
aware of this, then I think we have lost this battle.

Another solution is revamping utils/adt so that it is a shared API for 
client & server.  If you upgrade a client, you would automatically get 
the latest formatting functions.  Just like libpq checks protocol 
version in several places, conn->sversion would have to be checked, or 
maybe have a typefmt_api_version.

andrew & merlin

Re: PGparam proposal

Tom Lane
Andrew Chernow <ac@esilo.com> writes:
> For starters, if binary results is a feature you wish you could uninvent 
> then we are probably dead in the water for that reason.  This goes to 
> the core of our concept.

Not really: AFAICS you could implement exactly the API you have sketched
without any reliance on binary data transmission whatsoever.  As long
as PGparam is an opaque struct, library users would have no idea whether
the values they provide are being sent as text or binary.

You should probably take two steps back and think about what aspects of
what you want to do are really involved with providing an easier-to-use
API for PQexecParams and friends, and what parts are actually interested
in binary data transmission (and why).  Separating those issues in your
mind might produce more clarity.

> In the end, some of these changes would change the text format right? 

I'd consider that fairly unlikely.  For instance, the money width change
didn't impact the text format (except to the extent that longer values
are now legal), and remembering a timestamptz's zone wouldn't impact
the text representation either.  Another example is that any significant
re-implementation of type NUMERIC (say, as a bignum integer plus
exponent instead of the current BCD-ish format) would probably change
its binary representation, but there'd be no need for a text change.

The bottom line to me is that binary representations are inherently a
lot more fragile and version-dependent than text representations.
Our attitude so far has been that client-side code that wants to use
binary data transmission is taking all the risk of changes on itself.
("If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.")  It's not clear to me
what we gain by making libpq subject to those risks.  If we could
have libpq insulate client apps from these kinds of changes, that would
be one thing; but AFAICS, with these more complex types, a binary format
change would usually also dictate a change in what the library exposes
to clients.  As far as I saw, your proposal completely glossed over the
issue of exactly what data structure would be exposed to clients for
anything more complex than an integer.  I'm afraid that that structure
would be subject to change, and then we'd just have two layers of
brokenness on our hands instead of only one.
        regards, tom lane

Re: PGparam proposal

Andrew Chernow
>library users would have no idea whether> the values they provide are being sent as text or binary.

The putf interface currently abstracts how it actually sends it. 
Although, you do put a C type rather than a string.  There is a putstr 
"%pqtypstr", which puts the string representation of a type.
> providing an easier-to-use> API for PQexecParams and friends, and what parts are actually> interested in binary data
transmission(and why)

There are two things happening here and two things we are trying to solve:

1. putf and PGparam - simpler interface for executing queries using 
parameterized functions.

2. getf - doesn't use PGparam at all.  You pass it a PGresult.  The goal 
of this is to translate either text or binary results into a uniform C 
type or structure.  For instance, we expose the below structure for inet.

/* This struct works with CIDR as well. */
typedef struct
{  /* convenience, value the same as first 2 bytes of sa_buf */  unsigned short sa_family;
  /* mask, ie. /24 */  int mask;  int is_cidr;
  /* Cast to: sockaddr, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6, sockaddr_stroage */  int sa_len;  char sa_buf[128]; /* avoid
referencingsockaddr structs */
} PGinet;

// "res" could be text or binary results, but PGinet remains the same.
PGinet inet;
PGgetf(res, tup_num, "%pginet", field_num &inet);
connect(sock,  (const struct sockaddr *)inet.sa_buf,  (socklen_t)inet.sa_len);

The above is simpler than examining "" and converting it to a 
struct sockaddr.  The same struct is used when putting a type as a "C 
type" rather than as a string.  You can use getf without ever using 
putf+PGparam, and vise-versa.
> your proposal completely glossed over the> issue of exactly what data structure would be exposed to clients for>
anythingmore complex than an integer

Complex types require a receiving structure on the client side, thus the 
types we added to libpq-fe.h: PGinet, PGpolygon, PGarray, PGtimestamp, 
etc...  But keep in mind that these structs are the result of libpq 
extracting the data from text/binary formats and assigning data to 
struct members.  It does not expose raw format, the API user can already 
get that via PQgetvalue().
> If we could have libpq insulate client apps from these kinds> of changes, that would be one thing;

This is the goal of getf.  The API user interfaces through PGinet, not 
through the output of PQgetvalue().  We propose that its libpq's job 
internally to handle changes to text or binary formats and expose 
consistent types/structures.
> type NUMERIC (say, as a bignum integer plus> exponent instead of the current BCD-ish format)

This is what we want to hide inside libpq's getf.  Just expose a 
PGnumeric that has been translated into c types.  We never expose the 
wire format, only the C translated version of it.
> without any reliance on binary data transmission whatsoever.

Yes this is possible, but at a performance & ease-of-use cost.  Our 
performance tests didn't show much gain with strings or ints, but 
complex types were 10 times faster (putting/getting arrays, polygons, 
paths, etc...).  So, the trade-off is a little more maintainence 
overhead on libpq.

BTW, previously we mentioned a 3rd party handler api concept.  This is 
not needed to get libpq up and going with built-in types (which is all 
we feel it should be responsible for).  the handler API can always be 
added later w/o changing existing functions ... have to add a couple though.

andrew & merlin

Re: PGparam proposal

Andrew Chernow
> your proposal completely glossed over the> issue of exactly what data structure would be exposed to clients for>
anythingmore complex than an integer

Yeah.  Forgot to include the below in the proposal and the last email. 
Here is the lastest list for complex types.  Most have been around since 
the last 0.5 patch.  Still need numeric, date, time and a couple others.

typedef struct
{  double x;  double y;
} PGpoint;

typedef struct
{  PGpoint pts[2];
} PGlseg;

typedef struct
{  PGpoint high;  PGpoint low;
} PGbox;

typedef struct
{  PGpoint center;  double radius;
} PGcircle;

/* When used with PQgetf, 'pts' must be freed with PQfreemem(). */
typedef struct
{  int npts;  int closed;  PGpoint *pts;
} PGpath;

/* When used with PQgetf, 'pts' must be freed with PQfreemem(). */
typedef struct
{  int npts;  PGpoint *pts;
} PGpolygon;

/* This struct works with CIDR as well. */
typedef struct
{  /* here for convenience, value the same as first 2 bytes of sa_buf */  unsigned short sa_family;
  /* mask, ie. /24 */  int mask;  int is_cidr;
  /* Cast to: sockaddr, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6, sockaddr_stroage */  int sa_len;  char sa_buf[128];
} PGinet;

typedef struct
{  int a;  int b;  int c;  int d;  int e;  int f;
} PGmacaddr;

/* main problem with this type is that it can be a double * or int64 and that is a compile-time decision.  This means *
theclient has a 50% chance of getting it wrong.  It would * be nice if the server included an indicater or converted *
theexternal format to one or the other.  OR, make client * aware of server's timestamp encoding when it connects. */
typedef struct
{  /* When non-zero, this is a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.  When zero,   * this is a TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE.  When
WITHOUT,gmtoff   * will always be 0 and tzn will be "GMT".   */  int withtz;
  /* binary timestamp from server (in host order).  If haveint64 is   * non-zero, use the 'ts.asint64' value otherwise
use'ts.asdouble'.   */  int haveint64;  union  {    struct {      unsigned int a;      signed int b;    } asint64;
    double asdouble;  } ts;
  /* microseconds */  int usec;  /* GMT offset, some systems don't have this in struct tm */  int gmtoff;  /* time zone
name,some systems don't have this in struct tm */  char *tzn;  /* broken-down time */  struct tm tm;
} PGtimestamp;

/* still working on this, may need access macros */

typedef struct
{  int dim;  int lbound;
} PGarraydim;

typedef struct
{  int len;
  /* already in PGtype format.  For instance:   *   (PGpolygon *)arr->items[i].data   * or   *   printf("text=%s\n",
arr->items[i].data);  *   * Could have a union of all types here but that   * doesn't help much for 3rd party types.
*/ char *data;
} PGarrayitem;

typedef struct
{  Oid oid; /* type of items[].data */  int ndim;  PGarraydim dims[MAXDIM];  int nitems;  PGarrayitem *items;
} PGarray;

andrew & merlin

PGparam proposal v2

Andrew Chernow
Here is our updated PGparam extension to the libpq api:

We have a patch implementing the following which we are cleaning up.  We 
are also kicking around some ideas for arrays and possibly composite 
types which we may consider if the community wants to move forwards with 
this proposal.

Tom made a number of comments some of which we have addressed:

*) Separate PGparam from PGconn: we agree with this and separated them.

*) Chanages to existing API functions: we agreed and moved new behavior 
to new functions

*) 3rd party types: we now support this through a type registration 

*) Internal type changes: We think changes to binary format are fairly 
rare and easily addressed.

*) Type confusion was removed by giving each type its own specifier.

*) Objections to printf: We agreed in part: we moved to natural names, 
from %n4 to %pgint for example.  This addressed scalability concerns and 
should be less cryptic to use.

*) Argument passing in putf and getf is identical to the previous 
proposal.  All we changed was the naming schema for the %spec and putf 
now takes a PGparam rather than a PGconn.


/* opqaue */
typedef struct pg_param PGparam;

PGparam *PQparamCreate(PGconn *conn);

/* manually reset a param struct.  This is done by * all execution functions for you. */
void PQparamReset(PQparam *param)

/* free a PGparam */
void PQparamClear(PQparam *param);

int PQputf(  PGparam *param,  const char *typeSpec,  ...);

int PQgetf(  const PGresult *res,  int tup_num,  const char *fieldSpec,  ...);

/* PGparam Execution Functions */
PGresult *PQparamExec(  PGconn *conn,  PGparam *param,  const char *command,  int resultFormat);

int PQparamSendQuery(  PGconn *conn,  PGparam *param,  const char *command,  int resultFormat);

PGresult *PQparamExecPrepared  PGconn *conn,  PGparam *param,  const char *stmtName,  int resultFormat);

int PQparamSendQueryPrepared  PGconn *conn,  PGparam *param,  const char *stmtName,  int resultFormat);

/* All in wonder, no PGparam needed */
PGresult *PQexecParamsf(  PGconn *conn,  const char *commandSpec,  int resultFormat,  ...);
/* All in wonder, no PGparam needed */
int PQsendQueryParamsf(  PGconn *conn,  const char *commandSpec,  int resultFormat,  ...);

/* All in wonder, no PGparam needed */
PGresult *PQexecPreparedf(  PGconn *conn,  const char *stmtName,  const char *typeSpec,  int resultFormat,  ...);

/* All in wonder, no PGparam needed */
int PQsendQueryPreparedf(  PGconn *conn,  const char *stmtName,  const char *typeSpec,  int resultFormat,  ...);

/* gets the PGparam error message */
char *PQparamErrorMessage(const PGparam *param);


The convention for postgresql built-in types is a % followed by the
type alias.  Every pgtype begins with "pg".  For example:
  %pgint4  %pgpolygon  %pgbox

3rd party types can register their own specifiers, which is discussed
int the TYPE HANDLER SYSTEM section.  Type aliases must be unique.


typedef struct pg_typeputargs
{  /* The out buffer will be at least 16K. If more room is needed,   * use the PQ_TYPE_SETOUT to grow the buffer.  In
mostcases,   * 16K is plenty of room.   */  char *out;
  /* the size in bytes of the out buffer */  int outl;
  /* Should not use directly, see PQ_TYPE_SETOUT.  For the brave,   * set to 1 if you point the out buffer at memory
thatshould be   * freed after your put callback returns.   */  int free_out;
  /* The arguments to putf. Use PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG. */  va_list *ap;
  /* The type's alias name, like 'pgint8'. */  const char *type_alias;
  /* Sets an error message. This msg shows up in   * PQparamErrorMessage().   */  int (*seterr)(struct pg_typeputargs
*args,const char *format, ...);
} PGtypePutArgs;

typedef struct pg_typegetargs
{  const PGresult *res;  int tup_num;  int field_num;
  /* pointer to the output of PQgetvalue for this tup+field */  char *value;
  /* The arguments to getf. Use PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG. NOTE: the field_num   * supplied to getf has already been pulled out
ofthe va_list and   * assigned to this structs field_num member.   */  va_list *ap;
  /* The type's alias name, like 'pgint8'. */  const char *type_alias;
  /* Sets an error message. This msg shows up in   * PQresultErrorMessage().   */  int (*seterr)(struct pg_typegetargs
*args,const char *format, ...);
} PGtypeGetArgs;

#define PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(typeArgs, type) va_arg(*(typeArgs)->ap, type)

/* makes sure that putArgs->out is larger enough for new_outl */
#define PQ_TYPE_SETOUT(putArgs, new_outl) do{ \  if((new_outl) > (putArgs)->outl) \  { \    (putArgs)->out = (char
*)malloc(new_outl);\    if(!(putArgs)->out) \      return -1; \    *(putArgs)->out = 0; \    (putArgs)->outl =
(new_outl);\    (putArgs)->free_out = 1; \  } \
} while(0)

/* * Returns - the number of bytes put or -1 for error. */
typedef int (*PGtypePut)(PGtypePutArgs *args);

/* * Returns - 0 for success or -1 for error. */
typedef int (*PGtypeGet)(PGtypeGetArgs *args);

/* Indicates that a type handler should use text format for puts. * The default is binary. */
#define PQ_TEXTPUTFMT 0x01

/* By default, PQputf will make an internal copy of the type data.  By * setting this flag, it will only maintain a
pointerto the type data. * * An example of this flag is the %pgtextptr and %pgbyteaptr, both * of which can consume
largeamounts of memory.  In most cases, it * is more effiecent to store a direct pointer rather than making a * copy.
#define PQ_NOCOPYONPUT 0x02

/* register a type handler */
int PQregisterTypeHandler(  const char *alias,  Oid oid,  PGtypePut put,  PGtypeGet get,  int flags);


Below are two examples of how to implement a libpq type handler.  The 
postgresql int4 and text types are always available and would never need 
to be registered.  This is just an example.

PQregisterTypeHandler(  "pgint4", /* The %alias used by PQputf/PQgetf, must be unique */  INT4OID,  /* Oid of the type.
notrequired - can be InvalidOid */  put_int4, /* put callback for this type */  get_int4, /* get callback for this type
*/ 0);       /* no flags needed */

PQregisterTypeHandler(  "pgtext",  TEXTOID,  put_text,  get_text,  PQ_TEXTPUTFMT);

// PQputf(param, "%pgint4", 100);
static int put_int4(PGtypePutArgs *args)
{  *(int *)args->out = (int)htonl((int)PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(args, int));  return 4;

// int n;
// PQgetf(res, tup_num, "%pgint4", field_num, &n);
static int get_int4(PGtypeGetArgs *args)
{  int *i4p = PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(args, int *);
  if(!i4p)    return args->seterr(args, "%s out pointer is NULL",      args->type_alias);
  *i4p = 0;
  if(PQgetisnull(args->res, args->tup_num, args->field_num))    return 0;
  /* text format conversion */  if(PQfformat(args->res, args->field_num) == 0)  {    int n;
    errno = 0;    if((n = (int)strtol(args->value, NULL, 10)) == 0 && errno)      return args->seterr(args, "%s string
conversionfailed: [%d] %s",        args->type_alias, errno, strerror(errno));
    *i4p = n;    return 0;  }
  /* binary format conversion */  *i4p = (int)ntohl(*(unsigned int *)args->value);  return 0;

// PQputf(param, "%pgtext", text);
static int put_text(PGtypePutArgs *args)
{  args->out = PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(args, char *);  return (args->out != NULL) ? (int)strlen(args->out) + 1 : 0;

// char text[512];
// PQgetf(res, tup_num, "%pgtext", field_num, sizeof(text), text);
static int get_text(PGtypeGetArgs *args)
{  size_t textl;  size_t bufl = PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(args, size_t);  char *buf = PQ_TYPE_NEXTARG(args, char *);
  if(!buf)    return args->seterr(args, "%s out buffer is NULL",      args->type_alias);
  *buf = 0;
  if(PQgetisnull(args->res, args->tup_num, args->field_num))    return 0;
  textl = PQgetlength(args->res, args->tup_num, args->field_num);  if(bufl <= textl)    return args->seterr(args, "%s
bufferis too small",      args->type_alias);
  memcpy(buf, args->value, textl + 1);  return 0;