Обсуждение: contrib/pgcrypto




How do you encrypt() & decrypt() data of types INT4 or DATE?

The PGCrypto methods encrypt() and decrypt() each take BYTEA as input:

i.e.,   encrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)   decrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)

So how do you convert INT4 and DATE data into BYTEA so that they can be
passed as input into the PGCrypto methods encrypt() & decrypt()?

Thank you,
Michael Moran

Re: contrib/pgcrypto

Marko Kreen
On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 07:46:23AM -0800, Moran.Michael wrote:
> How do you encrypt() & decrypt() data of types INT4 or DATE?
> The PGCrypto methods encrypt() and decrypt() each take BYTEA as input:
> i.e.,
>     encrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)
>     decrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)
> So how do you convert INT4 and DATE data into BYTEA so that they can be
> passed as input into the PGCrypto methods encrypt() & decrypt()?

It think you should convert int and date fields to text and
encrypt those.

Now the question becomes, how to encrypt text fields?

I used to simply declare encrypt() decrypt() with text arguments
as they are internally same, but this is a gross hack.

Someone (I cant find the post right now) posted into lists
nicer hack, which did the converion via plpgsql, so encrypting
int's can go like this:

create or replace function txt2bytea(text) returns bytea
as 'begin return $1; end;' language plpgsql;

create or replace function bytea2txt(bytea) returns text
as 'begin return $1; end;' language plpgsql;

create or replace function encrypt_int(integer, bytea) returns bytea
as '
begin return encrypt(txt2bytea($1), $2, ''bf'');
' language plpgsql;

create or replace function decrypt_int(bytea, bytea) returns text
as '
begin return decrypt($1, $2, ''bf'');
' language plpgsql;

This uses implicit conversion between int<->text, for date's
you should put 'to_char(XX)' and 'date XX' where needed.

I hope to get pgp_encrypt/decrypt into 8.1 (yes, its brewing),
which make the bytea<->text mess unnecessary, as I can tag
the data as text, thus also decrypting as text.


Re: contrib/pgcrypto

Bruno Wolff III
On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 17:40:52 +0200, Marko Kreen <marko@l-t.ee> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 07:46:23AM -0800, Moran.Michael wrote:
> > How do you encrypt() & decrypt() data of types INT4 or DATE?
> > 
> > The PGCrypto methods encrypt() and decrypt() each take BYTEA as input:
> > 
> > i.e.,
> >     encrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)
> >     decrypt( data::bytea, key::bytea, type::text)

Depending on what your purpose is, you may also want to use initialization
vectors. Otherwise attackers may be able to draw conclusions from rows
with matching encrypted date values. The int field could have a similar