Обсуждение: pgFoundry Open For Business


pgFoundry Open For Business

"Marc G. Fournier"
PostgreSQL's new collaboration site for associated projects, pgFoundry,
also known as projects.postgresql.org, is up and running at
http://www.pgfoundry.org/.  This is the beginning of our transition from
our own GBorg to a framework which is maintained and improved by a broad
external community -- GForge. And of course it runs on PostgreSQL.

GForge offers us the following features over GBorg:
       -- A glossy new look
       -- Multiple search interfaces
       -- Multiple catagorizations for each project
       -- User-driven project and programmer ratings
       -- Project "job openings"
       -- ability to support project "home pages" (limited to static HTML
          right now)
       -- surveys

Right now, we are taking new projects only.  Next week, we hope to start
porting old projects from GBorg, on a strictly voluntary basis.  New
projects already on pgFoundry include plperlNG, framewerk, pathetic.org,
and my2postgres.  Your new project is welcome!

If you logged in with GBorg before April 18, 2004, your login has been
copied over from Gborg, and you can just use it.  If you are a recent
GBorg user, you will need to create a new login.

Over the next few months, we will be enabling the following features (all
of which currently have some bugs)
    -- Code Snippets:  A library to share small scripts and functions,
       like Roberto's old "PL/pgSQL Library", but supporting multiple
    -- lightweight personal blogs for developers
    -- PostgreSQL databases for each project

So, if you've been holding on to a new project idea, please create it now!
Your new project will be accessable as <projname>.projects.postgresql.org
as well as through pgFoundry navigation.

Please contact us at admins@pgfoundry.org if you can't log in or run into
other issues connecting or using the site.

pgFoundry is online due to the efforts of Andrew Dunstan, Gavin Roy, Josh
Berkus, Marc Fournier and Chris Ryan, with help from GForge's Tim Perdue.

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: scrappy@hub.org           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

Re: pgFoundry Open For Business

Christopher Kings-Lynne
> Over the next few months, we will be enabling the following features (all
> of which currently have some bugs)
>     -- Code Snippets:  A library to share small scripts and functions,
>        like Roberto's old "PL/pgSQL Library", but supporting multiple
>        languages;
>     -- lightweight personal blogs for developers
>     -- PostgreSQL databases for each project

Going to have phpPgAdmin running for that? :)
