Обсуждение: Wanted: pgdiff ($$$)


Wanted: pgdiff ($$$)

adwolf1@yahoo.com (ad wolf)
We're offering a small reward for a PG hacker that can code up a
mysqldiff-like utility for PG.   For those unfamiliar with mysqldiff:

Creating something similar for PG is slightly more involved (because
of the ref. integrity issues, among others...), but it would certainly
be useful.

To get more details, stop by:

Thanks for the help!

Re: Wanted: pgdiff ($$$)

Greg Stark
adwolf1@yahoo.com (ad wolf) writes:

> We're offering a small reward for a PG hacker that can code up a
> mysqldiff-like utility for PG.   For those unfamiliar with mysqldiff:
> http://adamspiers.org/computing/mysqldiff/

You might want to check out the perl model Alzabo, I think it's capable of
doing this.


Re: Wanted: pgdiff ($$$)

Kaare Rasmussen
> You might want to check out the perl model Alzabo, I think it's capable of
> doing this.

It does not (yet) support foreign keys, alas.

But if anybody likes to code this, maybe they could work together with the 
Alzabo developer.

Kaare Rasmussen            --Linux, spil,--        Tlf:        3816 2582
Kaki Data                tshirts, merchandize      Fax:        3816 2501
Howitzvej 75               Åben 12.00-18.00        Email: kar@webline.dk
2000 Frederiksberg        Lørdag 11.00-17.00       Web:      www.suse.dk

Re: Wanted: pgdiff ($$$)

Justin Clift
Hi all,

Just a link to this from the front page of the techdocs.postgresql.org

Hope it helps.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Greg Stark wrote:
> adwolf1@yahoo.com (ad wolf) writes:
> > We're offering a small reward for a PG hacker that can code up a
> > mysqldiff-like utility for PG.   For those unfamiliar with mysqldiff:
> > http://adamspiers.org/computing/mysqldiff/
> You might want to check out the perl model Alzabo, I think it's capable of
> doing this.
> --
> greg
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