Обсуждение: Danish database patent


Danish database patent

Hans Schou

I hope this is the right list to write to.

A danish company just got a patent which we at SSLUG www.sslug.dk do not
think is a new invention.

I want to get in contact with somebody who can confirm that this patent is
not new and has been in PostgreSQL before the patent was taken.

If we can prove that this patent was not new when requested, we plan to
start a trial against the company or Patent Office to get the patent

It is a bit troublesome to get all the documents. 
You can find a tar-ball here: http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit.tgz
There is four pages which is interesting: http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit/bns01.pdf

best regards
Patent group, SSLUG, Hans Schou

Re: Danish database patent

Hannu Krosing
Hans Schou wrote:
> Hi
> I hope this is the right list to write to.
> A danish company just got a patent which we at SSLUG www.sslug.dk do not
> think is a new invention.
> I want to get in contact with somebody who can confirm that this patent is
> not new and has been in PostgreSQL before the patent was taken.
> If we can prove that this patent was not new when requested, we plan to
> start a trial against the company or Patent Office to get the patent
> redrawn.
> It is a bit troublesome to get all the documents.
> You can find a tar-ball here:
>   http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit.tgz
> There is four pages which is interesting:
>   http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit/bns01.pdf
>   http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit/bns31.pdf
>   http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit/bns32.pdf
>   http://www.sslug.dk/~chlor/targit/bns33.pdf

I took only a brief look at them, so i may be in a state of
misunderstanding :)

As I understand it, the patent is about generating/composing queries
submitting them to backend, not about query processing in the backend.

So there is not much hope that postgres has done it before, as 99% of
is concerned with backend activities.


Re: Danish database patent

Don Baccus
At 06:35 PM 11/11/00 +0200, Hannu Krosing wrote:

>I took only a brief look at them, so i may be in a state of
>misunderstanding :)
>As I understand it, the patent is about generating/composing queries
>submitting them to backend, not about query processing in the backend.

Yes, it's a query generation technique separate from the database server,
generating and executing SQL queries on a set of tables in order to satisfy
some goal.

Has nothing to do with the RDBMS itself.

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <dhogaza@pacifier.com> Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest Rare Bird Alert
Serviceand other goodies at http://donb.photo.net.