Обсуждение: Re: BOUNCE pgsql-ports@postgreSQL.org: Non-member submission from [Joe Brenner ] (fwd)


Re: BOUNCE pgsql-ports@postgreSQL.org: Non-member submission from [Joe Brenner ] (fwd)

Vince Vielhaber
This one was sent to webmaster for obvious reasons.

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH   email: vev@michvhf.com   flame-mail: /dev/null # include <std/disclaimers.h>       Have you
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 18:58:57 -0800
From: Joe Brenner <doom@kzsu.stanford.edu>
To: webmaster@PostgreSQL.org
Subject: Re: BOUNCE pgsql-ports@postgreSQL.org: Non-member submission from [Joe   Brenner <doom@kzsu.stanford.edu>] 

On http://www.postgresql.org, it says:

> RedHat RPMs for v6.5.2 on i386 machines are now available at
> ftp://postgresql.org/pub/RPMS/ Please report any questions
> or problems to pgsql-ports@postgresql.org.

But when I took the trouble to do this I got a: 

> BOUNCE pgsql-ports@postgreSQL.org: Non-member submission from [Joe Brenner <doom@kzsu.stanford.edu>] 

If anyone really cares, this is the problem I was trying to

Stop me if you've heard this one:

On a RedHat 6.1 box, I've been having trouble getting the
perl DBD-Pg package working, wo I decided to try installing
all of the latest 6.5.3 RPMs you have up on your ftp site. 

Afterwards, I still get the same problem though:
 rpm -Uhv perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1.i386.rpm error: failed dependencies:     libpq.so.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1

I gather that libpq.so.1 was once supplied with the 
"postgresql-lib" RPM, which has now been split up. 

Did someone forget a piece, or is it just that the DBD-Pg
rpm now badly in need of an update?

Joe Brenner <doom@kzsu.stanford.edu> writes:
> Stop me if you've heard this one:
>   rpm -Uhv perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1.i386.rpm
>   error: failed dependencies:
>       libpq.so.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1

libpq has been rev 2 (ie, libpq.so.2) since Postgres release 6.4, over
a year ago.  It seems your perl module was compiled against a 6.3 or
even older Postgres library.  You could try "ln -s libpq.so.2 libpq.so.1"
and see if it works ... but I'd recommend getting a more recent build of
the perl module.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Re: BOUNCE pgsql-ports@postgreSQL.org: Non-member submission from[Joe Brenner ] (fwd)

Thomas Lockhart
> On a RedHat 6.1 box, I've been having trouble getting the
> perl DBD-Pg package working, wo I decided to try installing
> all of the latest 6.5.3 RPMs you have up on your ftp site.
> Afterwards, I still get the same problem though:
>   rpm -Uhv perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1.i386.rpm
>   error: failed dependencies:
>         libpq.so.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1
> I gather that libpq.so.1 was once supplied with the
> "postgresql-lib" RPM, which has now been split up.
> Did someone forget a piece, or is it just that the DBD-Pg
> rpm now badly in need of an update?

Apparently, perl-DBD-Pg is in need of an update. Didn't the HR6.1 box
come with v6.5.x of Postgres and with DBD-Pg? (I've forgotten...) If
so, DBD-Pg should have been built by RH to be consistant with the
distro so I'm not sure why you are seeing a problem. If it shipped
with some earlier release, then they might be in conflict and we/Lamar
might consider releasing a new version of the perl-DBD-Pg package.

                    - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart                lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California

[I am cc:'ing Ian MacDonald, the person who packaged perl-DBD]
Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > On a RedHat 6.1 box, I've been having trouble getting the
> > perl DBD-Pg package working, wo I decided to try installing
> > all of the latest 6.5.3 RPMs you have up on your ftp site.
> > Afterwards, I still get the same problem though:
> >   rpm -Uhv perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1.i386.rpm
> >   error: failed dependencies:
> >         libpq.so.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-1
> > I gather that libpq.so.1 was once supplied with the
> > "postgresql-lib" RPM, which has now been split up.
> > Did someone forget a piece, or is it just that the DBD-Pg
> > rpm now badly in need of an update?
> Apparently, perl-DBD-Pg is in need of an update. Didn't the HR6.1 box
> come with v6.5.x of Postgres and with DBD-Pg? (I've forgotten...) If

> Lamar?

I was afraid you'd ask me that question :-).

perl-DBD is not shipped with RedHat 6.1, according to a browse of my RH
6.1 CD and confirmation through rpmfind.net.  According to rpmfind.net,
this rpm is in the libc6 contribs for RedHat, and was last built in
March of 1999.  However, due to the dependency on libpq.so.1, it must
have been built prior to the release of RedHat 6.0, which was the first
RedHat release that included libpq.so.2 (as part of PostgreSQL 6.4.2) --
RedHat 5.2 shipped with 6.3.2, which of course included libpq.so.1. 
Yes, the RPM's for PostgreSQL were that far out of sync (my primary
motivation for maintaining the RPM's!).  (RedHat 6.0's RPM's are dated
April 19, 1999, according to rpmfind.net, which supports my hypothesis).

This RPM needs rebuilding for RedHat 6.1 anyway. The corresponding DBI
rpm will also need to be rebuilt for the same reason -- the perl module
structure changed dramatically from RH 5.x to 6.x.


Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

On Mon 29 Nov 1999 at 11:59:59 -0500, you wrote:

> perl-DBD is not shipped with RedHat 6.1, according to a browse of my RH
> 6.1 CD and confirmation through rpmfind.net.


> According to rpmfind.net, this rpm is in the libc6 contribs for
> RedHat, and was last built in March of 1999.  However, due to the
> dependency on libpq.so.1, it must have been built prior to the
> release of RedHat 6.0,

That's true, it was.

> This RPM needs rebuilding for RedHat 6.1 anyway. The corresponding DBI
> rpm will also need to be rebuilt for the same reason -- the perl module
> structure changed dramatically from RH 5.x to 6.x.

Rather than using the old contrib RPM, look in the PowerTools
directory on a Red Hat mirror site and get hold of perl-DBD-Pg from
there. You'll find it in the powertools/CPAN/CPAN_rev.2/i386
directory. This version was built with libpq.so.2.

The old contrib version was built and uploaded by me at a time when
the version shipped with the Powertools 5.2 CD was either badly out of
date or not even on the CD. Now it's no longer needed.

Best wishes,

Ian Macdonald              | Death before dishonor.  But neither before 
Red Hat Certified Engineer | breakfast.                                 
http://www.caliban.org/    |                                            
Linux 2.2.13 on an i686    |                                                                      |

Ian Macdonald wrote:
> > This RPM needs rebuilding for RedHat 6.1 anyway. The corresponding DBI
> > rpm will also need to be rebuilt for the same reason -- the perl module
> > structure changed dramatically from RH 5.x to 6.x.
> Rather than using the old contrib RPM, look in the PowerTools
> directory on a Red Hat mirror site and get hold of perl-DBD-Pg from
> there. You'll find it in the powertools/CPAN/CPAN_rev.2/i386
> directory. This version was built with libpq.so.2.
> The old contrib version was built and uploaded by me at a time when
> the version shipped with the Powertools 5.2 CD was either badly out of
> date or not even on the CD. Now it's no longer needed.
> Best wishes,

Thank you Ian for the clarification.  HOWEVER, this does not show up on
the rpmfind.net web toold under powertools -- yet is there under the
rufus.w3.org mirror (they're the same machine, of course). Of course,
this is not your problem, Ian.  Uploading the updated package to the
contrib area is not the ideal solution either, because then those that
haven't updated from 6.3.2 are going to gripe.  But then again, maybe
they need a little push to go to 6.5... :->.  Un-uploading the rpm on
contrib is of course not possible -- but uploading the updated one???

I have taken the liberty to replying to the bug report on Bugzilla on
this issue.

The RedHat libc6 contribs are in desparate need of reorganization, IMO.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Lamar Owen <lamar.owen@wgcr.org> wrote:

> Ian Macdonald <ian@caliban.org> wrote:

> > directory on a Red Hat mirror site and get hold of perl-DBD-Pg from
> > there. You'll find it in the powertools/CPAN/CPAN_rev.2/i386
> > directory. This version was built with libpq.so.2.

> Thank you Ian for the clarification.  HOWEVER, this does not show up on
> the rpmfind.net web toold under powertools -- yet is there under the
> rufus.w3.org mirror (they're the same machine, of course). 

Yes, from one point of view, I guess that's the root of the
problem I was having.  All the ways I could think of
searching for an RPM (rpmfind, google, etc.) turned up
nothing later that the 0.91-1 version.

I just went to ftp://ftp.labs.redhat.com/pub/redhat/powertools/CPAN/CPAN_rev.2/i386/

And grabbed this one:  perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-2.i386.rpm

And now my CGI scripts are functional again.  

I would hope that at some point in the future, the DBI/DBD
components will be folded into the postgresql-perl RPM (say,
by the time that it finally makes it to version 1.0?).  The
use of the older Pg.pm is now strongly discouraged, and the
DBI interface is already much better documented (e.g. in
_The Perl Cookbook_ and _Advanced Perl Programming_).

In any case, thanks much for everyone's help.  Sorry for
taking this up on the "pgsql-hackers" list. I will now go
and spread the wisdom on redhat-talk, linux.postgres, and
comp.lang.perl.modules, where no one seems to have had a
clue about this.  

Joe Brenner wrote:
> Lamar Owen <lamar.owen@wgcr.org> wrote:
> > Thank you Ian for the clarification.  HOWEVER, this does not show up on
> > the rpmfind.net web toold under powertools -- yet is there under the
> > rufus.w3.org mirror (they're the same machine, of course).
> Yes, from one point of view, I guess that's the root of the
> problem I was having.  All the ways I could think of
> searching for an RPM (rpmfind, google, etc.) turned up
> nothing later that the 0.91-1 version.

This is something that the rpmfind.net maintainer needs to know about.
So, I've cc:'d him (Daniel Veillard).  Daniel, the problem is that the
CPAN archive under the redhat powertools is not indexed or searched
under rpmfind.net's RPM database.  This has caused some confusion
relating to the perl-DBD-Pg RPM package, which is in the CPAN part of

>   perl-DBD-Pg-0.91-2.i386.rpm
> And now my CGI scripts are functional again.
> I would hope that at some point in the future, the DBI/DBD
> components will be folded into the postgresql-perl RPM (say,
> by the time that it finally makes it to version 1.0?).  The
> use of the older Pg.pm is now strongly discouraged, and the
> DBI interface is already much better documented (e.g. in
> _The Perl Cookbook_ and _Advanced Perl Programming_).

Ok, Thomas, Vince, Bruce and other PostgreSQL hackers -- what do you
think about that suggestion?  It seems that our native perl interface
(which is shipped with both the tarball and RPM's) is deprecated out in
the perl world.   The DBI component is not PostgreSQL-specific, so it
probably shouldn't ship with the main RPM set.  Comments?

> In any case, thanks much for everyone's help.  Sorry for
> taking this up on the "pgsql-hackers" list. I will now go
> and spread the wisdom on redhat-talk, linux.postgres, and
> comp.lang.perl.modules, where no one seems to have had a
> clue about this.

Where is 'linux.postgres', and how do I subscribe??

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 10:29:38AM -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
> Joe Brenner wrote:
> > Lamar Owen <lamar.owen@wgcr.org> wrote:
> > > Thank you Ian for the clarification.  HOWEVER, this does not show up on
> > > the rpmfind.net web toold under powertools -- yet is there under the
> > > rufus.w3.org mirror (they're the same machine, of course).
> > 
> > Yes, from one point of view, I guess that's the root of the
> > problem I was having.  All the ways I could think of
> > searching for an RPM (rpmfind, google, etc.) turned up
> > nothing later that the 0.91-1 version.
> This is something that the rpmfind.net maintainer needs to know about.
> So, I've cc:'d him (Daniel Veillard).  Daniel, the problem is that the
> CPAN archive under the redhat powertools is not indexed or searched
> under rpmfind.net's RPM database.  This has caused some confusion
> relating to the perl-DBD-Pg RPM package, which is in the CPAN part of
> powertools.
 Ok, I will try to get this fixed by tomorrow, 


Daniel.Veillard@w3.org | W3C, INRIA Rhone-Alpes  | Today's Bookmarks :
Tel : +33 476 615 257  | 655, avenue de l'Europe | Linux XML libxml WWW
Fax : +33 476 615 207  | 38330 Montbonnot FRANCE | Gnome rpm2html rpmfindhttp://www.w3.org/People/all#veillard%40w3.org
| RPM badminton Kaffe

On Sat, 04 Dec 1999, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 10:29:38AM -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > This is something that the rpmfind.net maintainer needs to know about.
> > So, I've cc:'d him (Daniel Veillard).  Daniel, the problem is that the
> > CPAN archive under the redhat powertools is not indexed or searched
> > under rpmfind.net's RPM database.  This has caused some confusion
> > relating to the perl-DBD-Pg RPM package, which is in the CPAN part of
> > powertools.
>   Ok, I will try to get this fixed by tomorrow, 

Looks good.  Thanks for doing that -- and for the excellent rpmfind resource!

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11