Обсуждение: Using PostgreSQL in spite of ASE


Using PostgreSQL in spite of ASE

Hi... hope to send this e-mail to the right place!

We are a non-commercial place, and I'm working for no money. We are in need
of working with a database for 9 diferents but relatted databases (something
like 9G of information).

We started using PostgreSQL 6.3.2, but as we had lots of problems, including
some discussed in this list, and as Sybase has a popular  name we decided to
migrate to Sybase ASE 11.0.3 for Linux.

But, as I guessed at first, we keept on dealing with lots of problems worse
then those first as much we decided to reconsider the database solution.

So, I need your help to the following:
- How and where can I change the 25 users connections hard limit??
- tell me about how Postgresql would probably work in a 100 user connection
spot and a 9 shared databases... I'm asking your developer opinium about

Thanks for any help you can do to me!...

Silvio Payva
Congregation Christian of USA
System Analist