Обсуждение: RE: [DOCS] Postgresql INSTALL-file & Windows


RE: [DOCS] Postgresql INSTALL-file & Windows

Magnus Hagander
> > In the INSTALL file, it says (under "Unsupported platforms"):
> >  Windows x86 v6.3 1998-03-01 not library compatible;
> >                              client side maybe; use ODBC/JDBC
> >        Note that Windows ports of the frontend are
> >        apparently possible using third-party Posix porting
> >        tools and libraries.
> > I believe the client libraries (at least libpq) are available in 
> > native Win32 since version 6.4.
> Thanks for pointing this out. So how should I phrase it? As above? If
> so, where do we tell people how to build it? Or is it obvious to anyone
> who is trying? 
> If it could use instructions, would someone like to write it up? Or was
> something already posted on the mailing list which tells all?
> So many questions, so little time :) As you can tell, I haven't tried
> myself...

Well, I don't think there is any documentation on how to do it. It's pretty

You go into the src directory and run "nmake /f win32.mak". 
That one will compile libpq.dll and the required import-library
(libipqdll.lib) and the static library (libpq.lib) for those who don't want
to use the DLL version. It will also compile psql.exe, linked against
Note that the makefiles in question are for Microsoft Visual C++ - I don't
know if they work in other Windows compilers, but I would guess they don't.

Hmm. It should probably be noticed somewhere that crypt-pw authentication
does not work in the win32 version - there is no crypt() function

So I guess it should say that the client-side library libpq and the psql
frontend exists for Win32, and then perhaps reference to either another
section of the INSTALL file or a separate file (INSTALL.WIN32?) describing
the process of building and installing it? If that's a good way to go, I can
write up a quick info-file on how to build and install it.


Re: [DOCS] Postgresql INSTALL-file & Windows

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> perhaps reference to either another
> section of the INSTALL file or a separate file (INSTALL.WIN32?) 
> describing the process of building and installing it? If that's a good 
> way to go, I can write up a quick info-file on how to build and 
> install it.

I hope it wasn't too obvious that I was fishing for that offer :)

Yes, if you could write it up that would be great. If you have the time
or inclination, you could use doc/src/sgml/install.sgml as a template
example which includes some sgml markup. Then send your resulting file
(install32.sgml?) to me or the docs list and I'll incorporate it into
the full docs.

If you find the sgml tags incomprehensible then ask questions, and if
you just don't want to deal with it, then send me plain text and I'll do
the markup.

                    - Tom