Обсуждение: [teo@flex.ro: [QUESTIONS] New version of PgAccess released - 0.80]


[teo@flex.ro: [QUESTIONS] New version of PgAccess released - 0.80]

Brook Milligan

Did you get this message.  New version to go into 6.3.


------- Start of forwarded message -------
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 17:18:34 +0200
From: Constantin Teodorescu <teo@flex.ro>
Organization: FLEX Consulting Braila
To: PostgreSQL Interfaces <pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org>
CC: PostgreSQL Questions <pgsql-questions@postgreSQL.org>
Subject: [QUESTIONS] New version of PgAccess released - 0.80
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Sender: owner-pgsql-questions@hub.org
Precedence: bulk

Hello all,

is good to be back again :-) because last week I've got a flue , I had
to stay at home but fortunatelly I succeded getting a notebook with me
and worked a little bit at PgAccess again.

What's new in this 0.80 version of PgAccess ?

The most important thing is that I introduced the form design module.
It's in an early alpha stage but I intend to make it full functional
until the next PostgreSQL 6.3 official release so it could be included
in the CD distribution. BTW, when should this happen ? Also, I would
like to release it a week or two before in order to get some feed-back
from users.

I didn't succeed trying to make Visual Tcl to work as a module of
PgAccess so I decided to reinvent the wheel and writing a tiny and less
performant form designer of my own. It wouldn't be certainly  better
than Vtcl but it would be quite good for database forms designing. Also,
I would like to improve it in that direction, because it deals with
databases, tables, etc.

More information on http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess/forms.html

You can download the last version (as always) from
http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess or by ftp from ftp.flex.ro/pub/pgaccess

I am burning getting some reply's from any of you :-)

All the best,
- --
Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA
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