Обсуждение: OpenRPT (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] == PostgreSQL Weekly News - April 24 2005 ==)


OpenRPT (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] == PostgreSQL Weekly News - April 24 2005 ==)

Ned Lilly
David Fetter wrote:

> == PostgreSQL Product News ==
> OpenRPT is a graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering
> engine, optimized for PostgreSQL. WYSIWYG display, GUI built with Qt,
> runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X. Server-side rendering engine.
> Reports can be saved as XML, either as files or in a database.
> http://pgfoundry.org/projects/openrpt/

Dave, thanks for the plug - and thanks to everyone who's expressed an interest in OpenRPT so far.  It seems there are
stillsome performance issues with pgFoundry  (pending setup of new servers?) - so for now, we're going to do our best
notto contribute to the load, and point people to OpenRPT's home on SourceForge, where the iron is big and the pipes


We're very interested in engaging with the PostgreSQL community to help make OpenRPT better.  For those who aren't
familiarwith us, the OpenRPT project has spun out of an ERP application called OpenMFG.  I'm the CEO of OpenMFG LLC,
thecompany; I was previously one of the founders of Great Bridge, a first-generation Postgres company that was a
casualtyof the dot-com boom/bust cycle four years ago.  I formed OpenMFG to bring a Postgres-based ERP system to market
(www.openmfg.com)... and along the way, part of what we built with our ERP was a multiplatform report writer. 

The OpenMFG ERP Suite is inexpensive but not free; source code provided and patches accepted, but not OSI-certified
"opensource."  We decided that the report writer level of the "stack" was different, however, and decided to release
OpenRPTunder the GPL for anyone and everyone who wants to abide by the terms of the GPL.  For those who would like to
"optout" of the GPL, we also offer a commercial license.  For more on the licensing, as well as downloads, CVS,
screenshots,docs, project info, etc., please check out the project homepage at http://openrpt.sf.net. 

Thanks very much,

Ned Lilly
President and CEO
420 North Center Drive
Building 11, Suite 115
Norfolk, VA 23502
tel: 757-461-3022
mailto: ned@openmfg.com