Обсуждение: Latitude / Longitude


Latitude / Longitude

Tim Perdue
Hi Folks -

I'm working on a global weather database for a client and have hit an issue
which I'm sure has been solved before. Unfortunately, the site search doesn't
pull up anything.

Essentially, I've got two tables, one with city/county/lat/long and another
with lat/long/weather data.

None of the lat/longs in the two tables match up directly, so I can't do a
simple join of the two tables. I need to join on closest proximity on the
lat/long fields.

Any suggestions? It seems to me this will be pretty expensive on CPU resources
unless there's a really elegant trick uncovered.


Founder - PHPBuilder.com / Geocrawler.com / SourceForge
GPG Public Key: http://www.perdue.net/personal/pgp.php
Perdue, Inc. / Immortal LLC


Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

Larry Rosenman
Look at contrib/earthdistance, I **think** it does what you need.


On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 12:44, Tim Perdue wrote:
> Hi Folks -
> I'm working on a global weather database for a client and have hit an issue
> which I'm sure has been solved before. Unfortunately, the site search doesn't
> pull up anything.
> Essentially, I've got two tables, one with city/county/lat/long and another
> with lat/long/weather data.
> None of the lat/longs in the two tables match up directly, so I can't do a
> simple join of the two tables. I need to join on closest proximity on the
> lat/long fields.
> Any suggestions? It seems to me this will be pretty expensive on CPU resources
> unless there's a really elegant trick uncovered.
> Tim
> --
> Founder - PHPBuilder.com / Geocrawler.com / SourceForge
> GPG Public Key: http://www.perdue.net/personal/pgp.php
> Perdue, Inc. / Immortal LLC
> 515-554-9520
Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 972-414-9812                 E-Mail: ler@lerctr.org
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

Bruno Wolff III
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 12:49:21 -0500,
  Larry Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org> wrote:
> Look at contrib/earthdistance, I **think** it does what you need.

There isn't an index for the distance operator. You can use boxes to
limit the candidates if there is a small bound on how far apart points
can be before they are no longer candidates for a match even if they
are a nearest neighbor pair.

Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

Tim Perdue
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 12:49:21PM -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> Look at contrib/earthdistance, I **think** it does what you need.

Thanks, yeah this starts to get me into the realm of what I need. It still
has to run every possible permutation to figure out which one is closest for
each postalcode. What I'll do is run that once and build a 3rd table which can
be used to join the other two together using a view.



Founder - PHPBuilder.com / Geocrawler.com / SourceForge
GPG Public Key: http://www.perdue.net/personal/pgp.php


Re: Latitude / Longitude

Joe Conway
Tim Perdue wrote:
 > Hi Folks -
 > I'm working on a global weather database for a client and have hit an issue
 > which I'm sure has been solved before. Unfortunately, the site search doesn't
 > pull up anything.
 > Essentially, I've got two tables, one with city/county/lat/long and another
 > with lat/long/weather data.
 > None of the lat/longs in the two tables match up directly, so I can't do a
 > simple join of the two tables. I need to join on closest proximity on the
 > lat/long fields.
 > Any suggestions? It seems to me this will be pretty expensive on CPU resources
 > unless there's a really elegant trick uncovered.

I see you've gotten some other help, but in case you're interested, I'll give
you another alternative. Here's a plpgsql function I wrote a while ago based
on the Haversine formula:

CREATE FUNCTION "zipdist" (float8,float8,float8,float8 ) RETURNS float8 AS '
      lat1 ALIAS FOR $1;
      lon1 ALIAS FOR $2;
      lat2 ALIAS FOR $3;
      lon2 ALIAS FOR $4;
      dist float8;
      dist := 0.621 * 6371.2 * 2 *
        atan2( sqrt(abs(0 + pow(sin(radians(lat2)/2 -
        radians(lat1)/2),2) + cos(radians(lat1)) * cos(radians(lat2)) *
        pow(sin(radians(lon2)/2 - radians(lon1)/2),2))),sqrt(abs(1 -
        pow(sin(radians(lat2)/2 - radians(lat1)/2),2) + cos(radians(lat1)) *
        cos(radians(lat2)) * pow(sin(radians(lon2)/2 - radians(lon1)/2),2))));
      return dist;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

I used the following PHP code to start looking for a match in a small circle,
and then expand it if no matches were found:

$dist = INIT_DIST;
$cnt = 0;
$cntr = 0;
do {
      if ((! $zip == "") && (! $dist <= 0)) {
          $sql = get_zip_sql($lon1d,$lat1d,$dist,$numtoshow);
          $rs = connexec($conn,$sql);
          $rsf = rsfetchrs($rs);
          $dist *= 2;
      } else {
          $cntr = 10;
} while (count($rsf) < $numadvisorstoshow && $cntr < 10);

Hopefully you get the idea.

As was suggested, you can narrow the results using a box to make the query
perform better, and then sort by distance to get the closest alternative.
Here's the related part of get_zip_sql():

function get_zip_sql($lon1d,$lat1d,$dist,$numtoshow)
   $sql = "
     SELECT DISTINCT <fields>
     FROM tbl_a AS a
      ,tbl_d AS d
      ,tbl_a_zipcodes AS az
      ,tbl_zipcodes as z
      abs(z.lat - $lat1d) * 60 * 1.15078 <= $dist
      and abs(z.long - $lon1d) * 60 * 1.15078 <= $dist
      and zipdist($lat1d,$lon1d,lat,long) <= $dist
      and z.zip = az.zipcode
      <other criteria>
     LIMIT $numtoshow;

   return $sql;

The "X * 60 * 1.15078" converts differences in degrees lat/long into rough
distances in miles. The zipdist function returns a more-or-less exact distance
using the Haversine formula.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you want/need more explanation of any of this.


Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

Jan Wieck
Tim Perdue wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 12:49:21PM -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> > Look at contrib/earthdistance, I **think** it does what you need.
> Thanks, yeah this starts to get me into the realm of what I need. It still
> has to run every possible permutation to figure out which one is closest for
> each postalcode. What I'll do is run that once and build a 3rd table which can
> be used to join the other two together using a view.

That third table should be maintained by triggers and
constraints, no?


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being
right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive
me.                                  #
JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

Jeff Hoffmann
Tim Perdue wrote:
> Hi Folks -
> I'm working on a global weather database for a client and have hit an issue
> which I'm sure has been solved before. Unfortunately, the site search doesn't
> pull up anything.
> Essentially, I've got two tables, one with city/county/lat/long and another
> with lat/long/weather data.
> None of the lat/longs in the two tables match up directly, so I can't do a
> simple join of the two tables. I need to join on closest proximity on the
> lat/long fields.
> Any suggestions? It seems to me this will be pretty expensive on CPU resources
> unless there's a really elegant trick uncovered.

I guess that all depends on how you define expensive on CPU resources.
I think the way I would do it is to define an sql function.  For
example, assume the following table structure:

create table a (city text, city_location point, city_weather text);
create table b (weather text, weather_location point);

Create a function something like:

create function closest_weather (point) returns text as
'select b.weather from b order by $1 <-> b.weather_location limit 1;'
language sql;

Then you could do something like:

update a set city_weather = closest_weather(city_location);

And if you had the lat/long as seperate numbers, just cast them as a
point (i.e., point(long,lat) will return a point type).  It's going to
do a table scan for each city it updates, but that may or may not be a
problem for you.


Jeff Hoffmann

Re: [SQL] Latitude / Longitude

James Orr
On Thursday 12 September 2002 15:49, Tim Perdue wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 12:49:21PM -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> > Look at contrib/earthdistance, I **think** it does what you need.
> Thanks, yeah this starts to get me into the realm of what I need. It still
> has to run every possible permutation to figure out which one is closest
> for each postalcode. What I'll do is run that once and build a 3rd table
> which can be used to join the other two together using a view.

If you are looking for everything within a certain radius of a zip code, what
I have done in the past is calculate the highest/lowest longitude and
latitude and then select anything that falls between them and only check
those ones to see if they fall within the radius.

That's saves a lot of time over checking the exact distance for every zip

- James