Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC Driver -- Access Order By problem solved!!!


Re: [GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC Driver -- Access Order By problem solved!!!

lynch@lscorp.com (Richard Lynch)
At 4:26 PM 7/24/98, Bruce Tong wrote:

>Since I'm learning SQL in my spare time, I tend to use these feature in MS
>Access and PgAccess to point me in the right direction or sometimes
>confirm, or deny my assertions.

Absolutely.  For new (to me) SQL, I point and click at what I think MS
would want me to point and click at, and then look at the SQL and rip out
the crap I know they got wrong, and then run it to see what they got wrong
in the new stuff, and then mess around with bits and pieces of what they
came up with until it's right.

>I like psql, but its not the kind of tool which suggests other
>alternatives. It just says "this part is bogus." That's fine, but when I
>fail to get it right after a dozen attempts, its nice to let something
>else take a stab at it.

I especially hate that it doesn't even say "this part is bogus" sometimes.
It says "error near 'from'".  *WHICH* from.  I could easily have 3 or 4 in
even the simplest query.  And god forbid it says "error near ','".  How
useless is that?!

Okay, enough bitching, I'll be positive:
psql would be infinitely nicer if it dumped out the query and indicated the
EXACT location of the problem.

-- "TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@lscorp.com