Обсуждение: ODBC problems


ODBC problems

Massimo Muraro
I should like to make a remote connection whit a Postgress DB (version 6.3) but i meet whit some problem.

I have installed on my PC a PostgreSQL ODBC Driver (vv88f263.exe application that i have found at
ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/odbc/address) and i try to make a connection whit the Database on a different PC, whit Linux

All my attempts fail whit messages of this sort:

"User authentication failed"
"Invalid configuration parameter"
"The database dos not exist on the server or user authentication failed"

Can you help my whit some advice?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.


Muraro Massimo
e-mail: muraro@assioma.com

Link s.n.c.
Via Filadelfia, 40
10134 Torino
Tel: +39-(0)11-3186030
Fax: +39-(0)11-3199151
URL: http://www.assioma.com/Link

Re: [GENERAL] ODBC problems

David Hartwig
Please refer to:  http://www.insightdist.com/psqlodbc

Massimo Muraro wrote:

> Hi!
> I should like to make a remote connection whit a Postgress DB (version 6.3) but i meet whit some problem.
> I have installed on my PC a PostgreSQL ODBC Driver (vv88f263.exe application that i have found at
ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/odbc/address) and i try to make a connection whit the Database on a different PC, whit Linux
> All my attempts fail whit messages of this sort:
> "User authentication failed"
> "Invalid configuration parameter"
> "The database dos not exist on the server or user authentication failed"
> Can you help my whit some advice?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards.
>                                                                 Massimo
> __________________________________________
> Muraro Massimo
> e-mail: muraro@assioma.com
> Link s.n.c.
> Via Filadelfia, 40
> 10134 Torino
> Tel: +39-(0)11-3186030
> Fax: +39-(0)11-3199151
> URL: http://www.assioma.com/Link
> __________________________________________