Обсуждение: Any DocBook wizards on the list?


Any DocBook wizards on the list?

Rich Morin
There are some small but annoying buglets in the DocBook stylesheets
for the PostgreSQL manuals.  I'm not a DocBook wizard and neither,
AFAIK, is Peter Eisentraut.  Before I go out to the DocBook list and
ask for help, I thought I'd ask on this list.  Is anyone here willing
and able to jump into a stylesheet and make a couple of small (albeit
non-trivial, according to Peter) fixes?  Let us know...


P.S.  Here is a rundown of the problem area, for the curious:

>  Problem 1:
>  The TOC in the PostgreSQL 7.2 Programmer's Guide lists:
>     I. Client Interfaces ........................................1
>          1. libpq - C library ...................................1
>  Looking at the document itself, however, I note that these are on
>  two separate pages.  The first of these pages has NO page number;
>  the second is numbered "1", as indicated in the TOC.

>  Problem 2:
>  The default mode prints out pages which are optimized for single-
>  sided printing.  When I tried using the "two-side" option, I ran
>  into some breakage.  This should be re-examined _after_ Problem 1
>  has been resolved, to reduce the number of entities being changed.

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