Обсуждение: FAQ - French traduction


FAQ - French traduction

Jean-Paul ARGUDO
I am currently traducing the FAQ (cvs version) into french.

I'll post it as soon as finished (maybe on saturday).

Just wondering if someone has already done it or doing it too now?

Jean-Paul ARGUDO                                IDEALX S.A.S
Consultant bases de données                     15-17, av. de Ségur
http://www.idealx.com                           F-75007 PARIS

Re: FAQ - French traduction

Jean-Paul ARGUDO
> On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 08:36, Jean-Paul ARGUDO wrote:
> > I am currently traducing the FAQ (cvs version) into french.
> "traduce" means to speak evil of falsely, to defame, malign, slander or
> misrepresent.  The word you want is "translate".

Yes, I really apologize for such beginner's mistake.

I really have problems with english when I am too busy and when I have
to write fast. I apologize it really.

I looked at the definition of "traduce" and it is interesting to learn
that many meanings are now obsolete. English people may now give to
"traduce" the mean of an italian proverb " Traduttore mentore " (the
translator is a lyar)...

$ dict traduce
2 definitions found