

Ho Pek Ling

I have a few question regarding postgresql product. 

1) I understand that downloading of the postgresql is free from the website.
So do you provide any technical support and how much you charge for the

2) From the postgresql website, I had read up the Postgresql's Limitation.
It indicated that the "Performance may suffer when these values get
unusually large." You mean what kind of perfomance and what kind of values?
3) I had read an article comparing MySQL and PostgreSQL, indicating that
when postgresql migrate database from one machine to another, it will need
to dump the database and then "recreate" during migration. What do they mean
by the "recreate", it is manually creating the whole database again or there
will be a software automate the process for us? Or this article is not true
in the sense that there is no need to "recreate" anything?

Hope that you will be able to answer my queries as this information is
important for me in choosing the right database for my company.

Thanks and Regards,
Felice Ho Pek Ling


Rene Pijlman
On Wed, 31 Oct 2001 14:41:38 +0800, you wrote:
>1) I understand that downloading of the postgresql is free from the website.
>So do you provide any technical support and how much you charge for the

PostgreSQL is a volunteer open source project. For commercial
support check out

This mailing list is for discussing PostgreSQL documentation
with volunteer maintainers, its not intended for general user
questions. You can ask your other questions on
pgsql-general@postgresql.org ("This is a general discussion area
for users. Outside of compile, acceptance test and bug problems,
most new users who don't want to contribute to development or
documentation will probably only be interested in this mailing

René Pijlman <rene@lab.applinet.nl>