Обсуждение: New Logo, etc.


New Logo, etc.

Hal Snyder

Quite a bit of effort went into the evaluation of Vittoria's latest
offering - thanks all! I've condensed correspondence so far, and added
my own impression at the bottom (I agree with Bruce and Marc). I'll
follow up with another message soon - I'd like to go further with
things here before replying to her.

Marc: Colors in proposed page are too drab. Likes "modern feel" of www.php.net. Want logo to have 3-D, "jumps out at
you"feel. Wants snazzy onMouseOver effects like PARC and PHP sites.

Bruce: Prefers the section margin on the left, not right. Too dark, too small. Prefers more color and depth in our
currentlogo. In logo, "postgreSQL" should begin with a capital "P". Making "SQL" stand out in logo is good. Proposed
pagehas more modern look. Favorite other sites:   http://www.gimp.org   http://www.freebsd.org
http://www.csmonitor.com  http://www.pncbank.com

Thomas: We should look at other sites, find things we like. Favorite other sites:   http://www.parc.xerox.com
http://www.netbsd.org  http://www.mulberrytech.com   http://www.w3.org   http://www.javasoft.com
http://www.freebsd.orgis nice.   http://www.gimp.org

Vince: Likes these sites:   http://www.freebsd.org/~meganm   http://www.asis.com/~meganm

Hal: Too small, too dark, colors drab, navbar should be on left. Logo flat, reminds me of junior high textbook cover.
Historyshould not be first main window visitors see. Topics on nav bar are too many, need reorg.

Hal Snyder / hal@enteract.com / webmaster@postgresql.org