Обсуждение: Re: pgsql on cygwin problem


Re: pgsql on cygwin problem

Igor Pechtchanski
On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, yuri wrote:

> Hello. I had a problem at installation postgesql as service nt. I do all
> under the documentation which is in a file
> /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/postgresql-7.4.5.README
> On item 8 at me there is a mistake at initialization of a database.
> $ initdb -D /var/postgresql/data
> The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user
> "postgres".
> [snip]
> Signal 12
> initdb: failed
> Prompt please in what there can be a problem.

Signal 12 is "Bad system call".  Quoting from

Regardless of the installation type, the first step is to add "server" to
your CYGWIN environment variable setting and start cygserver.  See the
cygserver README:


for more details.  If the CYGWIN variable is not set correctly and/or
cygserver is not running then initdb and postmaster will fail to run

Looks like that's what's happening in your case.
      |\      _,,,---,,_        pechtcha@cs.nyu.edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_        igor@watson.ibm.com
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'        Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL    a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. /DA

Re: pgsql on cygwin problem

"jmbigi (sent by Nabble.com)"
keywords: cygwin postgresql windows 98 start iniciar arrancar SHMMAX

After 10 hours, despues de 10 horas...

Steps (all are mandatory) - Pasos (todos son obligatorios)

1. Configure cygserver (C:\cygwin\etc\cygserver.conf) - configurar:

        See configuration's example in Note 1 - Ver ejemplo de configuración en Nota 1

2. Type these commands - escribir estos comandos:

        $ export CYGWIN=server
        $ unset LANG
        $ export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
        $ export PGDATA=/usr/local/pgsql/data

3. Start cygserver - iniciar cygserver:

    $ cygserver &

4. Initialize PostgreSQL - inicializar PostgreSQL:

    $ initdb

5. Start the PostgreSQL postmaster - iniciar el postmaster de PostgreSQL:

    $ postmaster &

6. Connect to PostgreSQL - conectar a PostgreSQL:

    $ psql template1

Note 1 - Nota 1

# cygserver.conf, Copyright(C) 2003, 2005 Red Hat Inc.
# Contains configurable parameters for the cygserver.
# The format of this file is easy.  Lines beginning with a hash `#' are
# comments and ignored.  Lines consisting of only whitespaces are ignored.
# Any other line is a setting for cygserver.
# A setting consists of a name/value pair, separated by whitespace.
# Each line must only consist of one name/value pair.
# Lines must not be longer than 1023 characters.
# Some settings can be overridden by a command line switch.  If so, it's
# mentioned below.
# Settings which are commented out will use the default values.  These are
# mentioned below, too.

# kern.srv.cleanup_threads: No. of cygserver threads used for cleanup tasks.
# Default: 2, Min: 1, Max: 16, command line option -c, --cleanup-threads
#kern.srv.cleanup_threads 1

# kern.srv.request_threads: No. of cygserver threads used to serve
#                           application requests.
# Default: 10, Min: 1, Max: 310, command line option -r, --request-threads
#kern.srv.request_threads 1

# kern.srv.process_cache_size: No. of concurrent processes which can be handled
#                              by Cygserver concurrently.
# Default: 62, Min: 1, Max: 310, command line option -p, --process-cache
#kern.srv.process_cache_size 1

# kern.srv.msgqueues: Determines whether XSI Message Queue support should be
# started, "yes" (or "true", "y", "t", "1") or "no" (or "false", "n", "f", "0").
# These values are valid for all binary type options.
# Default is "yes".  Command line option -q, --no-msgqueues
#kern.srv.msgqueues yes

# kern.srv.semaphores: Determines whether XSI Semaphore support should be
# started.  Default is "yes".  Command line option -s, --no-semaphores
#kern.srv.semaphores yes

# kern.srv.sharedmem: Determines whether XSI Shared Memory support should be
# started.  Default is "yes".  Command line option -m, --no-sharedmem
#kern.srv.sharedmem yes


# kern.log.syslog: Determines whether logging should go to the syslog,
# Default is "yes", if stderr is no tty, "no" otherwise.
# Command line option -y, --syslog or -Y, --no-syslog.
#kern.log.syslog no

# kern.log.stderr: Determines whether logging should go to stderr,
# Default is "yes", if stderr is a tty, "no" otherwise.
# Command line option -e, --stderr or -E, --no-stderr.
#kern.log.stderr no

# kern.log.level: Logging level.  Valid values are 1 to 7 with a bigger
# value emitting more logging output.  Default level is 6.
# Command line option -l, --log-level.
#kern.log.level 6

# kern.log.debug: Determines whether debug output should be printed to stderr.
# Default is "no".  Command line option -d, --debug
#kern.log.debug no

# XSI message queue parameters.
# Each message is broken up and stored in segments that are msgssz bytes
# long.  For efficiency reasons, this should be a power of two.  Also,
# it doesn't make sense if it is less than 8 or greater than about 256.

# kern.ipc.msgseg: Maximum no. of message queue segments hold concurrently.
# Default: 2048, Min: 256, Max: 65535
#kern.ipc.msgseg 256

# kern.ipc.msgssz: Size of segment in bytes.  Must be a power of 2 value.
# Default: 8, Min: 8, Max: 1024
#kern.ipc.msgssz 8

# kern.ipc.msgmnb: Maximum no. of bytes in a single message queue.
# Default: 2048, Min: 1, Max: 65535
#kern.ipc.msgmnb 2048

# kern.ipc.msgmni: Maximum no. of message queue identifiers hold concurrently.
# Default: 40, Min: 1, Max: 1024
#kern.ipc.msgmni 1

# kern.ipc.msgtql: Maximum no. of messages hold concurrently.
# Default: 40, Min: 1, Max: 1024
#kern.ipc.msgtql 1

# XSI semaphore parameters

# kern.ipc.semmni: Maximum no. of semaphore identifiers hold concurrently.
# Default: 10, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semmni 1024

# kern.ipc.semmns: Maximum no. of semaphores hold concurrently.
# Default: 60, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semmns 1024

# kern.ipc.semmnu: Total no. of undo structures hold by server.
# Default: 30, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semmnu 1024

# kern.ipc.semmsl: Maximum no. of semaphores per semaphore id.
# Default: 60, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semmsl 1024

# kern.ipc.semopm: Maximum no. of operations per semop call.
# Default: 100, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semopm 1024

# kern.ipc.semume: Maximum no. of undo entries per process.
# Default: 10, Min: 1, Max: 1024
kern.ipc.semume 1024

# kern.ipc.semvmx: Maximum value of a semaphore.
# Default: 32767, Min: 1, Max: 32767
#kern.ipc.semvmx 32767

# kern.ipc.semaem: Maximum value to adjust on process exit.
# Default: 16384, Min: 1, Max: 32767
#kern.ipc.semaem 16384

# XSI shared memory parameters

# kern.ipc.shmmaxpgs: Maximum pages available for XSI shared memory.
# Changing shmmaxpgs immediately affects setting SHMMAX.  The relation
# between shmmaxpgs and SHMMAX is:  SHMMAX = shmmaxpgs * getpagesize().
# Default: 8192, Min: 1, Max: 32767
kern.ipc.shmmaxpgs 32767

# kern.ipc.shmmni: Maximum number of shared memory segments, system wide.
# Default: 192, Min: 1, Max: 32767
kern.ipc.shmmni 32767

# kern.ipc.shmseg: Maximum number of shared memory segments per process.
# Default: 128, Min: 1, Max: 32767
kern.ipc.shmseg 32767


Thanks pobox@verysmall.org

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