Обсуждение: Latest cygwin always crashing with Postgres


Latest cygwin always crashing with Postgres

Seth Rubin
"Owner" is an administrator.

postmaster's failing because GetRawDatabaseInfo can't find a database named
"Owner" (which is my username).  It only finds databases named "template1"
and "template0".  Could this be a problem with initdb?  I.e. was initdb
supposed to store a database matching my username?

Also, when not running in debug, postmaster crashes after reporting the
error.  Sadly, the crash does not occur when running within gdb.

-- Seth

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-cygwin-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-cygwin-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Jason Tishler
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 4:15 PM
To: Seth Rubin
Cc: Pgsql-Cygwin
Subject: Re: FW: FW: FW: [CYGWIN] Latest cygwin always crashing with


On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 02:27:52PM -0500, Seth Rubin wrote:
> Here's what's happening when postmaster runs:
> - ...basic initialization...
> - InitPostgres( "Owner", "Owner" )
> -    SetDatabaseName( "Owner" )
> -    GetRawDatabaseInfo is called to locate database "Owner" 's OID
> -       It fails, because it only finds "template1" and "template0"
> databases respectively
> -    InitPostgres raises FATAL error and exits

I will offer one more suggestion before bowing out to other XP (Home)
users who should be able to help better than I can.

One XP Home user noted that the user running postmaster as a service
must be an "administrative" user and not a "guest" user.  Is "Owner" an
"administrative" user?  If not, then make it so and try again.

I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help, but I have no access to XP.

Can a XP (Home) user help out Seth here?


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Re: Latest cygwin always crashing with Postgres

s0lao@netscape.net (S. L.)

>"Owner" (which is my username).  It only finds databases named "template1"
>and "template0".  Could this be a problem with initdb?  I.e. was initdb
>supposed to store a database matching my username?

Oh, actually it's not a problem with initdb, it just creates template1 and template0 databases _owned_ by "Owner" user.
It'snot supposed to store a "Owner" database. The trick is that if you just "psql [-D /path/to/datadir]" then psql
triesto connect to a database that matches your username. Usually the syntax for psql is "psql [options] <database>".
Butthe crashing of the postmaster when not finding a database is not usual. 

Recalling this thread I saw you always passed simply "pgdata" to "-D " option (either initdb, postmaster or whatever).
It'snot a good habit. A full pathname is the recommended approach, i.e. not "-D pgdata", but "-D /your/path/to/pgdata".
Abetter approach is to set the PGDATA variable to this path. 


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Re: Latest cygwin always crashing with Postgres

Jason Tishler

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 06:11:43PM -0500, Seth Rubin wrote:
> Also, when not running in debug, postmaster crashes after reporting
> the error.  Sadly, the crash does not occur when running within gdb.

If you build a debug-able postgres.exe, then you can you addr2line on the
first function address in the stackdump file to see where you are
crashing.  For example (using your posted stackdump):

    $ addr2line -e /usr/bin/postgres.exe 008A316D


PGP/GPG Key: http://www.tishler.net/jason/pubkey.asc or key servers
Fingerprint: 7A73 1405 7F2B E669 C19D  8784 1AFD E4CC ECF4 8EF6