Обсуждение: problems with pgaccess and libpgtcl.dll


problems with pgaccess and libpgtcl.dll

Konrad Hernblad
    when i run /cygwin/bin/cygwish80.exe /cygwin/pgaccess/main.tcl, i get the
following error:

    "couldn't load file 'libpgtcl.dll': invalid argument while executing 'load
libpgtcl[info sharedlibextension]'
     (procedure 'main') line 3) invoked from within 'main $argc $argv' (file
'main.tcl' line 249)"

    cygwin:    1.33
    postgres    7.1.3
    os:        windows2000 professional
    pgaccess:    0.98.7
    tcl/tk        8.3.3

directory structure
    cygwin        ->    c:\cygwin
    pgaccess    ->    c:\cygwin\pgaccess
    tcl/tk        ->    c:\cygwin\tcl

steps taken
i d/led pgaccess from http://ns.flex.ro/pgaccess/, as explained on

i also d/led tcl/tk8.3.3 from http://ns.flex.ro/pgaccess/win32.html.

i put uncompressed the d/ls as below:
    pgaccess    ->    /cygwin/pgaccess
    tcl/tk        ->    /cygwin/tcl

i renamed the pgaccess win32 .dlls (located in /pgaccess/win32/dll/) as follows:
    libpgtcl83.dll-7.0    ->    libpgtcl83.dll
    libpq.dll-7.0        ->    libpq.dll
and moved the renamed files to c:\winnt\system32.

i then added "tcl/bin" and "/pgaccess" to my PATH env.

the /pgaccess/pgaccess file didn't seem to be working correctly (after
having changed PATH_TO_WISH env to cygwin's /bin dir and PGACCESS_HOME env
to /pgaccess, it said that it couldn't find main.tcl).

when i tried running the below command at the cygwin prompt, i got the
"couldn't load file..."error message listed above.
    /cygwin/cygwin80.exe /pgaccess/main.tcl

any advice would be greatly appreciated.  thanks.

TERRORIST ATTACK ON AMERICA (tues, sept 11, 2001)

Information and Disaster Relief Resources

Re: problems with pgaccess and libpgtcl.dll

s0lao@netscape.net (S. L.)
Konrad Hernblad <konrad@pobox.com> wrote:

>    when i run /cygwin/bin/cygwish80.exe /cygwin/pgaccess/main.tcl, i get the
>following error:
>    "couldn't load file 'libpgtcl.dll': invalid argument while executing 'load
                          (*) ref1
>libpgtcl[info sharedlibextension]'
>     (procedure 'main') line 3) invoked from within 'main $argc $argv' (file
>'main.tcl' line 249)"
>    cygwin: 1.33
>    postgres    7.1.3
>    os:     windows2000 professional
>    pgaccess:   0.98.7
>    tcl/tk      8.3.3
>directory structure
>    cygwin      ->  c:\cygwin
>    pgaccess    ->  c:\cygwin\pgaccess
>    tcl/tk      ->  c:\cygwin\tcl
>steps taken
>i d/led pgaccess from http://ns.flex.ro/pgaccess/, as explained on
>i also d/led tcl/tk8.3.3 from http://ns.flex.ro/pgaccess/win32.html.
>i put uncompressed the d/ls as below:
>    pgaccess    ->  /cygwin/pgaccess
>    tcl/tk      ->  /cygwin/tcl
>i renamed the pgaccess win32 .dlls (located in /pgaccess/win32/dll/) as follows:
>    libpgtcl83.dll-7.0  ->  libpgtcl83.dll
As related with (*)ref1 above that (libpgtcl.dll) is the name postgres is looking for when main.tcl tries to start. A
"ln-s <path_to>/libpgtcl83.dll <path_to>/libpgtcl.dll" should fix the problem. 
But there's another problem you could encounter: the presence of 2 libpq.dll, so you must take care of the PATH
variablewhen attempting to start pgaccess/main.tcl, which should point to libpq you've d/led with libpgtcl. 
Also a trick you should use when starting using wish is the HOME variable: cygwish (a mingw32 app.) needs a DOS-like
pathi.e. not /home/username but c:/cygwin/home/username. 

>    libpq.dll-7.0       ->  libpq.dll
>and moved the renamed files to c:\winnt\system32.
>i then added "tcl/bin" and "/pgaccess" to my PATH env.
>the /pgaccess/pgaccess file didn't seem to be working correctly (after
>having changed PATH_TO_WISH env to cygwin's /bin dir and PGACCESS_HOME env
>to /pgaccess, it said that it couldn't find main.tcl).
>when i tried running the below command at the cygwin prompt, i got the
>"couldn't load file..."error message listed above.
>    /cygwin/cygwin80.exe /pgaccess/main.tcl
>any advice would be greatly appreciated.  thanks.
>TERRORIST ATTACK ON AMERICA (tues, sept 11, 2001)
>Information and Disaster Relief Resources
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster


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