Обсуждение: RE: RE: postgresql 7.0 for NT


RE: RE: postgresql 7.0 for NT

Rishi Sharma
I'm no expert at configuring webservs with databases - do you have any good
links so I can approach this problem from the right angle?

My goal is to hook up IIS with postgresql, but no one seems to know how to
do it.  If I can't access my postgresql data from IIS, I'll have to worry
about losing my old data or importing it into what ever db I can use.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Yankowski [mailto:fred@ontosys.com]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 3:36 PM
To: Rishi Sharma
Cc: 'Pgsql-Cygwin '
Subject: Re: [CYGWIN] RE: postgresql 7.0 for NT

On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 10:09:37AM -0700, Rishi Sharma wrote:
> Are you using postgresql as the backend db for a
> websever?

PostgreSQL works great behind Zope using ODBC for the interface.  I
use Apache as the front end in this case, on NT as it happens, but
others have used IIS in a similar configuration.

PHP/Apache also makes it easy to access PostgreSQL.

AOLserver and the OpenACS packages work very well with PostgreSQL.

I don't know of any way to "plug in" PostgreSQL to IIS itself -- I'm
not sure what that would mean.

Fred Yankowski           fred@OntoSys.com      tel: +1.630.879.1312
Principal Consultant     www.OntoSys.com       fax: +1.630.879.1370
OntoSys, Inc             38W242 Deerpath Rd, Batavia, IL 60510, USA

Re: RE: RE: postgresql 7.0 for NT

s0lao@netscape.net (S. L.)
Rishi Sharma <rsharma@Bigstep.net> wrote:
> I'm no expert at configuring webservs with databases - do you have any good
> links so I can approach this problem from the right angle?
> My goal is to hook up IIS with postgresql, but no one seems to know how to
> do it.  If I can't access my postgresql data from IIS, I'll have to worry
> about losing my old data or importing it into what ever db I can use.

The prebuild version of php/win32 (current version 4.0.5) at http://www.php.net , contains the driver for postgresql,
andalso has the capabilities to install under IIS as either a cgi application or as a sapi module. The build is a
nativewin32 port, so there is no need for cygwin. Although if you use a NT version of postgresql, you need a cygwin

I didn't test it in this environment but it should work work fine.

N.B. The distribution also includes a precompiled win32 libpq.dll (which is necessary for a proper mod_pgsql.dll

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