Обсуждение: Re: postgresql 7.0 for NT


Re: postgresql 7.0 for NT

Jason Tishler

On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 09:34:04AM -0700, Rishi Sharma wrote:
> I came across your post on postgresql from google.com.  I'm trying to help a
> buddy transfer postgresql 6.x from linux to windows 2000 and have followed
> somewhat crappy instructions from a few different sources - after a few

I have found the following to be very helpful:


> trial/error's I've been able to set it up on win 2000 only to find your post
> which troubles me somewhat (see below).
> Can you tell what problems you had with v7.0(NT)?

I never used the above mentioned pre-built Cygwin PostgreSQL 7.0.  I
have only been using Cygwin PostgreSQL 7.0.2 and later that I built
myself.  Hence, the only problems that I had was with people confusing
my distribution with the one on the PostgreSQL ftp site.

> I didn't see a win32
> version of 7.1x anywhere on the ftp site - do you have the binary version

I have contributed pre-built Cygwin PostgreSQL distributions (the
current one is 7.1.2-1) that are automatically installed/upgraded when
you install Cygwin.

See the following for the announcement:


Note that I have a yank and put error in the title -- the announcement
if really for 7.1.2-1 *not* 7.1.1-1.  Sigh...

Also, see www.cygwin.com for more details and their very easy to use
setup.exe installer.

> and does it work better than v7.0?

Yes, there have been many bug fixes (that affect the Cygwin version) and
unlimited table widths have been added in 7.1.  Why would you want to
use PostgreSQL 7.0 when a pre-built 7.1.2 already exists?

In the future, please post to pgsql-cygwin@postgresql.org, so others can
benefit too.


Jason Tishler
Director, Software Engineering       Phone: 732.264.8770 x235
Dot Hill Systems Corp.               Fax:   732.264.8798
82 Bethany Road, Suite 7             Email: Jason.Tishler@dothill.com
Hazlet, NJ 07730 USA                 WWW:   http://www.dothill.com