Обсуждение: BUG #13360: initdb --locale = C error


BUG #13360: initdb --locale = C error

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      13360
Logged by:          Lin Pengcheng
Email address:      lincpa@163.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.4.2
Operating system:   windows 7

pgsql9.4.2 (x86) in win7 (including 32 and 64) for manual installation and
automatically instation, when you run initdb use --locale = C errors occur,
it's indeed a bug.
but I manually install pg9.3 and pg9 .4.0 not have this problem. otherwise
users win8 installed in  pg9.4.2(x64) no problem with --locale = C.

Re: BUG #13360: initdb --locale = C error

Michael Paquier
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:53 PM,  <lincpa@163.com> wrote:
> pgsql9.4.2 (x86) in win7 (including 32 and 64) for manual installation and
> automatically instation, when you run initdb use --locale = C errors occur,
> it's indeed a bug.
> but I manually install pg9.3 and pg9 .4.0 not have this problem. otherwise
> users win8 installed in  pg9.4.2(x64) no problem with --locale = C.

Could you provide more details about the error occurring as well as
how you installed Postgres? I am afraid that I cannot reproduce this
problem with an MSVC installation after initializing with initdb
--locale=C on Win7:
=# show lc_collate;
(1 row)
=# SELECT version();
 PostgreSQL 9.4.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit
(1 row)


Re: BUG #13360: initdb --locale = C error

------------------------------------------<br/><br/>error info:<br/><br/>The files belonging to this database system
willbe owned by user "postgres".<br/>This user must also own the server process.<br/><br/>The database cluster will be
initializedwith locale "C".<br/>The default text search configuration will be set to "english".<br/><br/>Data page
checksumsare disabled.<br/><br/>fixing permissions on existing directory D:/pgsql942/data ... ok<br/>creating
subdirectories... ok<br/>selecting default max_connections ... 40<br/>selecting default shared_buffers ...
128MB<br/>selectingdynamic shared memory implementation ... windows<br/>creating configuration files ...
ok<br/>creatingtemplate1 database in D:/pgsql942/data/base/1 ... <br/>FATAL: XX00: could not adopt C
locale<br/>LOCATION:init_locale, src\backend\main\main.c:315<br/>child process exited with exit code 1<br/>initdb:
removingcontents of data directory "d:/pgsql942/data"<br/><br/>------------------------------------------<br/><br/>my
env:<br/>windows 7 simple chinese edit (x86 and x64)<br/>pgsql 9.4.2
x86<br/><br/>------------------------------------------<br/><br/>installbatch file 1 by admin:<br/><br/>@ECHO
OFF<br/>@setlocalenableextensions<br/>cd /d %~dp0<br/>set PGHOME=%cd%<br/>set PGBIN=%cd%\bin<br/>set
PGDATA=%cd%\data<br/>setpassword=123<br/><br/>net user postgres %password% /add /expires:never
/passwordchg:no<br/>netuserpostgres /pwnexp:y<br/>rem net localgroup users postgres /delete<br/>ntrights.exe -u
postgres+r SeServiceLogonRight<br/><br/>cacls %PGHOME% /E /T /D postgres<br/>cacls %PGHOME% /E /T /G
postgres:R<br/>cacls%PGHOME% /E /T /P postgres:R<br/>cacls %PGDATA% /E /T /P
postgres:C<br/><br/>pause<br/><br/>------------------------------------------<br/><br/>installbatch file 2 by postgres
user:<br/><br/>@ECHO OFF<br/>@setlocal enableextensions<br/>chcp 65001<br/><br/>cd /d %~dp0<br/>set PGHOME=%cd%<br/>set
PGBIN=%cd%\bin<br/>setPGDATA=%cd%\data<br/><br/>if not exist %PGDATA% md %PGDATA%<br/><br/>%PGBIN%\initdb -D %PGDATA%
-EUTF8 --locale=C -W<br/><br/>pause<br/><br/>-----------------------<br/>Regards,<br/>Lin Pengcheng 
At 2015-05-28 08:44:25, "Michael Paquier" <michael.paquier@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:53 PM,  <lincpa@163.com> wrote:
>> pgsql9.4.2 (x86) in win7 (including 32 and 64) for manual installation and
>> automatically instation, when you run initdb use --locale = C errors occur,
>> it's indeed a bug.
>> but I manually install pg9.3 and pg9 .4.0 not have this problem. otherwise
>> users win8 installed in  pg9.4.2(x64) no problem with --locale = C.
>Could you provide more details about the error occurring as well as
>how you installed Postgres? I am afraid that I cannot reproduce this
>problem with an MSVC installation after initializing with initdb
>--locale=C on Win7:
>=# show lc_collate;
> lc_collate
> C
>(1 row)
>=# SELECT version();
>                           version
> PostgreSQL 9.4.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit
>(1 row)