Обсуждение: BUG #8855: memory & process increased


BUG #8855: memory & process increased

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      8855
Logged by:          Kim, seowoong
Email address:      hikkis21c@hotmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.3
Operating system:   windows 7 64 bit


I use postgresql 9.1.3 32 bit program on windows 7 64 bit OS.

I found with RamMap program which is windows sysinternals tools, there are
some process which look like zombie process(postgresql.exe).

Also,I did a long run test using postgres. In this test, I just create a
connection , update a row and close the connection in every 15 seconds. I
left it running for 3 days.

When i use postgres for long run test, there are some memory increase and
system page table increased.

I want to know whether there is any relation between memory increase and
connection creation and closing.

I'm still testing now with two PC, both are Windows 7 64 bit machine but
this problem occurs only in one machine.

Is there any issue when i use 32 bit postgres on 64 bit OS? Is there any
guidline that only 64 bit postgres can be used with 64 bit OS?

Also, when i do same test on 32 bit OS and there is no issue similar to what
i have tried to describe above.

I would appreciate any pointer for this issue.


Seowoong Kim