Обсуждение: BUG #7629: Suboptimal query plan when index search is possible and an additional search operator is given.


BUG #7629: Suboptimal query plan when index search is possible and an additional search operator is given.

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      7629
Logged by:          Daniel Migowski
Email address:      dmigowski@ikoffice.de
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.2
Operating system:   Debian Linux 5.0
Description:        =


PostgreSQL chooses to seq scan a table when I give an additional sort
operator, and I don't know why. This is the small example:

I have a table "delivery". There is a functional, partial index on the table
I'd like to use for querying:

  CREATE INDEX idx_delivery_naturalnumber
      ON delivery(prep_natural_sort(number)) =

   WHERE recordstatus < 'X';

The field "number" is not null, btw. Then I do a query =

  select d.id, d.number
    from Delivery d =

   where d.recordStatus<'X'  =

     and (d.tenant_id=3D1 or d.tenant_id=3D2) =

order by prep_natural_sort(d.number) ASC =

   limit 1

The where-clause matches the partial index, and the order by clause matches
the index fields, so no problem here. =

  "Limit  (cost=3D0.00..0.34 rows=3D1 width=3D12)"
  "  Output: id, number, (prep_natural_sort((number)::text))"
  "  ->  Index Scan using idx_delivery_naturalnumber on public.delivery d =

(cost=3D0.00..46655.30 rows=3D135680 width=3D12)"
  "        Output: id, number, prep_natural_sort((number)::text)"
  "        Filter: ((d.tenant_id =3D 1) OR (d.tenant_id =3D 2))"

However, when I also want to order by id:

  select d.id, d.number
    from Delivery d =

   where d.recordStatus<'X'  =

     and (d.tenant_id=3D1 or d.tenant_id=3D2) =

   order by prep_natural_sort(d.number) ASC, =

            d.id ASC  =

   limit 1

it does a sequential scan.

  "Limit  (cost=3D43443.23..43443.24 rows=3D1 width=3D12)"
  "  Output: id, number, (prep_natural_sort((number)::text))"
  "  ->  Sort  (cost=3D43443.23..43782.43 rows=3D135680 width=3D12)"
  "        Output: id, number, (prep_natural_sort((number)::text))"
  "        Sort Key: (prep_natural_sort((d.number)::text)), d.id"
  "        ->  Seq Scan on public.delivery d  (cost=3D0.00..42764.83
rows=3D135680 width=3D12)"
  "              Output: id, number, prep_natural_sort((number)::text)"
  "              Filter: ((d.recordstatus < 'X'::recordstatus) AND
((d.tenant_id =3D 1) OR (d.tenant_id =3D 2)))"

This is a bit stupid, also because the relevant data could be fetched very
fast by the first order-by expression, and then the results could be ordered
again, which is then much faster than doing a full sequential scan on the
data. Do you think its worth to optimize for this case? What are the
problems? If the index scan is considered fast in the first case, why not do
it also in the second case? The only difference would be that one had to
fetch a few more rows in the index scan potentially, because the secondary
sort would need to impose an order on the first rows returned from the
index. =

select VERSION();

"PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.3.2-1.1)
4.3.2, 32-bit"
dmigowski@ikoffice.de writes:
> However, when I also want to order by id:
>    order by prep_natural_sort(d.number) ASC,
>             d.id ASC
> it does a sequential scan.

Sure.  That index doesn't satisfy this sort order.  (It could have
gotten chosen anyway, if the partial-index predicate were selective
enough, but evidently it isn't.)

> This is a bit stupid, also because the relevant data could be fetched very
> fast by the first order-by expression, and then the results could be ordered
> again, which is then much faster than doing a full sequential scan on the
> data.

That's an unsupported assertion, which we'd have to write a great deal
of code before we could even test.  There are a lot of more useful
places to spend hacking time, with greater assurance of the work not
being wasted.

            regards, tom lane