Обсуждение: BUG #5236: Aparent bug in ecpg


BUG #5236: Aparent bug in ecpg

"Marcelo Mas"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5236
Logged by:          Marcelo Mas
Email address:      mmas@atg.com.uy
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.1
Operating system:   Suse 10
Description:        Aparent bug in ecpg

At the company I work we developed a database adapter in C using ECPG for
postgresql 8.1.2 but when used with postgresql 8.4 we had the following

The program needs to prepare sentences in function A with name using:
EXEC SQL PREPARE :sentencename from :sentencecontent ;

Later it uses another function B in witch it is  the following code :
EXEC SQL EXECUTE :sentencename using :values_struct:values_indicators ;

where the content of :sentencename is the same in both cases.

In run time, this sequence of execution works for 8.1.2 but not for 8.4.1

Second case does report errors like 'undefined sentence "name" ' and 'too
many parameters' .

If we modify the code to prepare and execute in same function (only for
testing )  it runs ok, but we do need to do it separately since one
preparation is for many executions.

If this report is not enougth clear you can mail me.
