Обсуждение: BUG #5194: fire IDispatch Error #3015 when run PutCollect() in ADO


BUG #5194: fire IDispatch Error #3015 when run PutCollect() in ADO

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5194
Logged by:          goldenhawking
Email address:      goldenhawking@vip.163.com
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.1
Operating system:   Ubuntu 9.10 accessed by Vista Home basic
Description:        fire IDispatch Error #3015 when run PutCollect() in ADO

I have to convert our group's code from MySQL to pgSQL , this project was
built and tested first under MS-Access 2003, then to MY-SQL 5.0, 5.1, and
now they want me to convert it to pgSQL because some large table need to be
divided into sub tables, pg is a good chioce.
the pg Server is inited in Ubuntu 9.10, testing tables has been created very
simple(I'm a beginner in pgSQL),
sindex varchar (24)(PK)
strname varchar (24)
sage integer
spicture bytea
coded as UTF-8 (to hold asian chars)

the client program runs on MS Vista Home, built by MSVC2008. because this
project is first for MS Access 2003, All DB opers are coded as ADo-Record

I use pgODBC 8.4.00100,has connection string like:

and then I open a connection as

m_pConnection->CursorLocation = adUseClient;
m_pConnection->ConnectionTimeout = 15;

open the recode set like
pstrSQL = _T("select * from student");
*)m_pConnection,true),            adOpenDynamic,adLockPessimistic,adCmdText);

and insert first new item


when the debugger runs on

it throws an com error that tells me "Mulit-step oper error, please check
the state value for each step "(Translated by my self from asian language)
the errmsg: Idispatch error #3015

I just changes the connection str to mysql, access, mssql, my code runs
well, but this exception continues occure in pgSQL, I googled for a whole
day get few help.

please ,please help me! I can insert the item in psql, and in ado with
"sprintf(sql,"insert into student(...""
 however, our code has a huge amount of "AddItem,Update...",I have no time
to convert all of them to insert!

Re: BUG #5194: fire IDispatch Error #3015 when run PutCollect() in ADO

Hiroshi Inoue
goldenhawking wrote:
> The following bug has been logged online:
> Bug reference:      5194
> Logged by:          goldenhawking
> Email address:      goldenhawking@vip.163.com
> PostgreSQL version: 8.4.1
> Operating system:   Ubuntu 9.10 accessed by Vista Home basic
> Description:        fire IDispatch Error #3015 when run PutCollect() in ADO
> Details:
> I have to convert our group's code from MySQL to pgSQL , this project was
> built and tested first under MS-Access 2003, then to MY-SQL 5.0, 5.1, and
> now they want me to convert it to pgSQL because some large table need to be
> divided into sub tables, pg is a good chioce.
> the pg Server is inited in Ubuntu 9.10, testing tables has been created very
> simple(I'm a beginner in pgSQL),
> sindex varchar (24)(PK)
> strname varchar (24)
> sage integer
> spicture bytea
> coded as UTF-8 (to hold asian chars)
> the client program runs on MS Vista Home, built by MSVC2008. because this
> project is first for MS Access 2003, All DB opers are coded as ADo-Record
> set.
> I use pgODBC 8.4.00100,has connection string like:
> "Driver={PostgreSQL
> Unicode};Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=test;Uid=postgres;Pwd=XXXX;Byte
> aAsLongVarBinary=1;ReadOnly=0;"
> and then I open a connection as
> m_pConnection->CursorLocation = adUseClient;
> m_pConnection->ConnectionTimeout = 15;
> m_pConnection->Open(m_pstrConn,"","",adModeUnknown);
> open the recode set like
> pstrSQL = _T("select * from student");
> HRESULT hr =
>     m_pRecordset->Open(pstrSQL,_variant_t((IDispatch
> *)m_pConnection,true),            adOpenDynamic,adLockPessimistic,adCmdText);
> and insert first new item
> m_pRecordset->AddNew();
> m_pRecordset->PutCollect(_T("sindex"),_bstr_t(strIndex));
> ...
> when the debugger runs on
> m_pRecordset->PutCollect(_T("sindex"),_...
> it throws an com error that tells me "Mulit-step oper error, please check
> the state value for each step "(Translated by my self from asian language)
> the errmsg: Idispatch error #3015

Unfortunately I can't reproduce it here in a simple test case.
Could you send me the code directly ?

Hiroshi Inoue