Обсуждение: BUG #4264: Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.


BUG #4264: Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.

"Scott Carey"
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      4264
Logged by:          Scott Carey
Email address:      scott@richrelevance.com
PostgreSQL version: 8.3.3
Operating system:   Linux (CentOS)
Description:        Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.

The query optimizer fails to use a hash aggregate most of the time.  This is
an inconsistent behavior.

On one particular table this is especially painful.  This table has 24
million rows, and when aggregating on a column that the optimizer expects
only a few unique values, it chooses a full sort of those 24 million rows
before a group aggregate, rather than using a hash aggregate that would be 2
to 3 orders of magnitude faster and use less memory.

The simple statement of this bug is the following EXPLAIN output and
corresponding output from the statistics tables.  The actual query used has
a more complicated GROUP BY and aggregation (and joins, etc).

The condition will occur for any column used to group by.  Even one that has
only two unique values in a 25 million row table.

rr=# explain SELECT  count(distinct v_guid) as view_count, p_type FROM
p_log.creative_display_logs_012_2008_06_15 GROUP BY p_type;

                          QUERY PLAN
 GroupAggregate  (cost=5201495.80..5395385.38 rows=7 width=47)
   ->  Sort  (cost=5201495.80..5266125.63 rows=25851932 width=47)
         Sort Key: p_type
         ->  Seq Scan on creative_display_logs_012_2008_06_15
(cost=0.00..1223383.32 rows=25851932 width=47)

rr=# select attname, null_frac, avg_width,n_distinct
,correlation from pg_stats where
tablename='creative_display_logs_012_2008_06_15' and attname in ('g_id',
'p_type', 'strat', 'datetime', 'ext_s_id', 't_id');
    attname     | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | correlation
 g_id       |         0 |         8 |         14 |     0.221548
 p_type |         0 |         4 |          7 |     0.350718
 datetime       |         0 |         8 |      12584 |     0.977156
 ext_s_id |     0.001 |        38 |      11444 | -0.000842848
 strat       |         0 |        13 |         11 |     0.147418
 t_id       |         0 |         8 |          2 |     0.998711

(5 rows)

I have dumped, dropped, and restored this table twice recently.  Both times
followed by a full vacuum analyze.  And in both cases the query optimizer
behaves differently.
Additionally, this table is a partition table, and using the inheritance
facade instead of the table produces consistently worse plans -- at first
the direct-to-table query used the hash aggregate but not the one through
inheritance and I thought this was a partitioning bug.  But it definitely
occurs in general and its reproducibility is affected by partitioning  but
not dependent on it.

The database is tuned with the default optimizer settings for 8.3.3 +
constraint exclusion for the partition tables.  Yes, hash_agg is ON.  It
happens sometimes on some tables.

The configuration has ample RAM and all the memory tuning parameters are
generous (shared_mem 7g, temp space 200m, sort/agg space 500m -- I've tried
various settings here with no effect on the plan, just the execution of it
w.r.t. disk based sort or mem based sort).

The table definition is:
       Column       |            Type             | Modifiers
 v_guid             | character varying(255)      |
 site_id            | bigint                      |
 c_id               | bigint                      |
 item_id            | bigint                      |
 creative_id        | bigint                      |
 camp_id            | bigint                      |
 p_type             | integer                     |
 datetime           | timestamp without time zone |
 date               | date                        |
 ext_u_id           | character varying(50)       |
 ext_s_id           | character varying(50)       |
 u_guid             | character varying(50)       |
 strat              | character varying(50)       |
 sub_p_type         | character varying(32)       |
 exp_id             | bigint                      |
 t_id               | bigint                      |
 htmlpi_id          | bigint                      |
 p_score            | double precision            |

Of course DB hints would solve this.  So would some sort of tuning parameter
that lets you dial up or down the tendency to do a hash aggregate rather
than a full sort followed by a group aggregate.  This is broken rather
severely, especially in combination with partitions (where it is about 3x as
likely to fail to use a hash_aggregate where appropriate in limited
experiments so far -- there are a few thousand partition tables).

All I want is it to stop being brain-dead and deciding to sort large tables
to produce aggregates.  In fact, given the rarity in which a sort is
preferred over a hash_agg with large tables -- i'd turn off the group
aggregate if possible!

I have yet to look for a work-around by changing the statistics targets for
the table, but I consider this a bug because even with the default sample
size, the statistics given should PLAINLY lead to use of a hash_aggregate
rather than a full sort followed by group aggregate.  The optimizer clearly
expects a small number of unique buckets after aggregation, and the number
of unique items in the result would have to approach the number of rows in
the table for a full sort to make any sense whatsoever.



Re: BUG #4264: Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.

Tom Lane
"Scott Carey" <scott@richrelevance.com> writes:
> The query optimizer fails to use a hash aggregate most of the time.  This is
> an inconsistent behavior.

Hash aggregation is not used when a DISTINCT aggregate is specified.
DISTINCT forces a sort, so there wouldn't be any advantage.

> Of course DB hints would solve this.

No, they wouldn't.

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #4264: Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.

"Scott Carey"
Thank you for the quick reply.  This information was very useful.

I apologize as I was not aware of the internal limitations of the hash
aggregate implementation and the DISTINCT keyword.  I also seem to have
mischaracterized this issue in an attempt to reduce the problem to one less
specific than my original encounter.  One half of this may yet be a bug (or
enhancement request).

First, the original issue that got me on this track.  I'll keep it to the
point since it is likely already known (though I could not find it by
searching archives).
2. The query planner does not estimate the number of returned rows
appropriately when table inheritance / partitioning is involved, leading to
poor choices for aggregation.  Here are two explains that demonstrate this.
The parent table has 0 rows, estimated as 1 row.  Ideally it should not
affect the query plan.

rr=> explain SELECT g_id, p_type, strat from log.creative_display_logs
WHERE date='2008-06-15' and s_id=12 GROUP BY g_id, p_type, strat;

 Group  (cost=6488615.49..6747134.82 rows=2585194 width=130)
   ->  Sort  (cost=6488615.49..6553245.32 rows=25851933 width=130)
         Sort Key: log.creative_display_logs.g_id,
log.creative_display_logs.p_type, log.creative_display_logs.strat
         ->  Append  (cost=0.00..1450170.88 rows=25851933 width=130)
               ->  Seq Scan on creative_display_logs  (cost=0.00..10.90
rows=1 width=130)
                     Filter: ((date = '2008-06-15'::date) AND (s_id = 12))
               ->  Seq Scan on creative_display_logs_12_2008_6_15
creative_display_logs  (cost=0.00..1450159.98 rows=25851932 width=28)
                     Filter: ((date = '2008-06-15'::date) AND (s_id = 12))
(8 rows)

rr=> explain SELECT g_id, p_type, strat from
p_log.creative_display_logs_12_2008_6_15 GROUP BY g_id, p_type, strat;
 HashAggregate  (cost=1514789.81..1514801.57 rows=1176 width=28)
   ->  Seq Scan on creative_display_logs_12_2008_6_15
(cost=0.00..1320900.32 rows=25851932 width=28)
(2 rows)

As you can see, something about the inheritance changes the expected # of
rows dramatically and affects the plan inappropriately.  The addition of one
scan that returns 0 or 1 row cannot increase the actual output by a couple


Thanks to your insight, ran some tests and demonstrated the vast difference
in query plans resulting from the two queries (on a large table , on a
column with few values) of the form:
SELECT column from TABLE GROUP BY column;   (uses hash_aggregate)
SELECT DISTINCT column from TABLE;  (full sort, then aggregate)

Thus, a query of the form:
SELECT  count(distinct v_guid) as v_count, p_type FROM table GROUP BY

can be rewritten as the below to work around the query planner limitation
and persuade a more efficient query.  (Thanks again for highlighting exactly
where this limitation is).

explain SELECT count(temp.v_guid) as v_count, temp.p_type from (SELECT
v_guid, p_type FROM table GROUP BY v_guid, p_type) as temp group by p_type;
 HashAggregate  (cost=1451905.60..1451908.10 rows=200 width=520)
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1450159.98..1450858.23 rows=69825 width=50)
         ->  Seq Scan on creative_display_logs_12_2008_6_15
(cost=0.00..1320900.32 rows=25851932 width=50)

This obfuscates the original intention of the query and is not an ideal
solution, but given the limitations of the planner, and 20% the query
runtime, it is a pragmatic necessity.
If, the sort implied in the distinct was required, it could be applied
separately and also significantly improve the query performance.

>DISTINCT forces a sort, so there wouldn't be any advantage.

I contend that this is false.  Example:  Hash_aggregate from 25 million rows
to 10000 unique rows, then sort the result.  This is faster than sorting 25
million records then group aggregating by about a factor of 5 on the
hardware I am using.  In fact, it is faster even if the aggregate only
reduces the intermediate results by about a factor of 10 (for 25 million
rows of the size I'm using -- more rows makes it even more favorable).

I contend that
SELECT column FROM table GROUP BY column ORDER BY column;

Should consider such plans.  Currently, these both fail to produce optimal
queries on large datasets when the aggregation reduces the result size
Additionally, the implied sort can be ignored if the columns in a distinct
are aggregated, as in the first example, since aggregates are input-order

Lastly, a more sophisticated hash-aggregate could be multi-tiered and apply
to my first example, hashing by the the group by clause and then sub-hashing
the column distinct values.  No intermediate table would be required in this
case, unlike my query butchering above.  This combined with the other query
plan options would allow for clear, natural - looking queries without hints
or hacking up the query into more ugly and less flexible forms as I am
required to above (both are mere work-arounds, but work-arounds are
necessary stopgaps).

Thanks for the clarification on the limitations of the query planner Tom,
and the reminder that DISTINCT forces a sort -- I forgot all about that.

-Scott Carey

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> "Scott Carey" <scott@richrelevance.com> writes:
> > The query optimizer fails to use a hash aggregate most of the time.  This
> is
> > an inconsistent behavior.
> Hash aggregation is not used when a DISTINCT aggregate is specified.
> DISTINCT forces a sort, so there wouldn't be any advantage.
> > Of course DB hints would solve this.
> No, they wouldn't.
>                        regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #4264: Optimizer fails to use hash_aggregate when appropriate.

Tom Lane
"Scott Carey" <scott@richrelevance.com> writes:
> 2. The query planner does not estimate the number of returned rows
> appropriately when table inheritance / partitioning is involved, leading to
> poor choices for aggregation.  Here are two explains that demonstrate this.
> The parent table has 0 rows, estimated as 1 row.  Ideally it should not
> affect the query plan.

One extra row is certainly not going to affect that plan materially.

It looks to me like the problem is the row *width* estimate --- the
parent table is getting what is probably a default estimate, and IIRC
the append relation just takes on the widest of the input widths.
We could probably do something a bit smarter there; maybe weight the
widths according to number of rows in each appended table?

The reason this matters is presumably that with the overly wide width,
the planner thinks the hash table wouldn't fit in work_mem.

> Thanks to your insight, ran some tests and demonstrated the vast difference
> in query plans resulting from the two queries (on a large table , on a
> column with few values) of the form:
> SELECT column from TABLE GROUP BY column;   (uses hash_aggregate)
> SELECT DISTINCT column from TABLE;  (full sort, then aggregate)

Yeah, the SELECT DISTINCT code is old and crufty and tightly intertwined
with ORDER BY, which means that it's always implemented by sorting,
whereas with GROUP BY we can consider both implementations.
Sometime we need to rewrite all that; but it's hard to see how to do it
without breaking DISTINCT ON.  The latter seems like it *needs* to be
intertwined with sorting ...

>> DISTINCT forces a sort, so there wouldn't be any advantage.

> I contend that this is false.  Example:  Hash_aggregate from 25 million rows
> to 10000 unique rows, then sort the result.

You need to go back and think again about what it means to have a
DISTINCT aggregate (which is unrelated to SELECT DISTINCT, at least
from an implementation standpoint) inside a GROUP BY.  We could
conceivably do it without any sorting if there were a separate hash
aggregation table set up for each GROUP BY group, but the odds of
running out of memory are much too great for my taste.  Estimating
the size of the hash tables would depend on guessing how many distinct
values of one variable are associated with each value of another
variable, and it's hard enough to know even how many distinct values
there are overall let alone what the correlation is.  I think the
only safe way would be to assume that each per-group hash table would
reach maximum size, which would probably end up with the planner
never choosing the approach at all anyway.

            regards, tom lane