Обсуждение: failed to lookup type 0


failed to lookup type 0

"Vernon Smith"
When I try to delete data from one table, I get this error:

ERROR:  get_typdefault: failed to lookup type 0

I can't find any reasons other than a bug. The PG version is 7.3.4

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Re: failed to lookup type 0

Joe Conway
Vernon Smith wrote:
> When I try to delete data from one table, I get this error:
> ERROR:  get_typdefault: failed to lookup type 0
> I can't find any reasons other than a bug. The PG version is 7.3.4

And neither can we without some details.

Please post the results of
  \d tablename
, the definitions of any trigger functions (particularly any "on delete"
triggers), and if possible a complete reproducible example.


Re: failed to lookup type 0

Tom Lane
"Vernon Smith" <vwu98034@lycos.com> writes:
> When I try to delete data from one table, I get this error:
> ERROR:  get_typdefault: failed to lookup type 0
> I can't find any reasons other than a bug. The PG version is 7.3.4

You'll need to provide a self-contained test case.

We've seen bugs with similar symptoms associated with dropped columns,
but AFAIK they are all fixed in 7.3.4.

            regards, tom lane

Re: failed to lookup type 0

"Vernon Smith"
Thanks both for your response. Here is a screen shot with the table definition and reproducible example:

mm=# \d signon
            Table "public.signon"
 Column  |         Type          | Modifiers
 name    | character varying(25) | not null
 user_id | bigint                | not null
 passwd  | character varying(30) | not null
Indexes: signon_pkey primary key btree (user_id),
         signon_name_key unique btree (name)

mm=# insert into signon values ('dump',3434343,'wdp');
INSERT 256495 1
mm=# delete from signon where user_id='3434343';
ERROR:  get_typdefault: failed to lookup type 0

The version information is the following:

Welcome to psql 7.3.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

on cygwin with Window 2000.

Tom Lane wrote

>You'll need to provide a self-contained test case.

>We've seen bugs with similar symptoms associated with dropped columns, but AFAIK they are all fixed in 7.3.4.

Joe Conway wrote
>Please post the results of \d tablename, the definitions of
> any trigger functions (particularly any "on delete"
>triggers), and if possible a complete reproducible example.

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Re: failed to lookup type 0

Tom Lane
"Vernon Smith" <vwu98034@lycos.com> writes:
> Thanks both for your response. Here is a screen shot with the table
> definition and reproducible example:

Sorry, but that doesn't qualify as a reproducible example, because
it works fine here:

regression=# create table signon(
regression(# name varchar(25) not null,
regression(# user_id bigint not null,
regression(# passwd varchar(30) not null,
regression(# primary key(user_id),
regression(# unique (name));
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'signon_pkey' for table 'signon'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index 'signon_name_key' for table 'signon'
regression=# insert into signon values ('dump',3434343,'wdp');
INSERT 154109 1
regression=# delete from signon where user_id='3434343';

Since I think this must be some kind of problem with a dropped column,
I tried adding and dropping some additional columns, but no joy.

A reproducible example will have to be one that lets someone else create
a table that behaves this way.  We need the series of creation and
alteration commands that got you to this state.

BTW, I'm not sure how a DELETE command would invoke get_typdefault()
at all.  I'm wondering if this table participates in any foreign
key constraints, which could possibly cause UPDATEs to be issued
against other tables, which would be plausible sources of
get_typdefault() calls.

            regards, tom lane