Обсуждение: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?


Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Josh Berkus

got this problem in 7.4 beta 2:

treedemo=# SELECT  LPAD ((team_name), (LENGTH(team_name) + (3*(tlevel-2)))) AS
teams_display,team_id, lnode
treedemo-# FROM teams
treedemo-# WHERE lnode > 0
treedemo-# ORDER BY lnode;
ERROR:  function lpad(character varying, bigint) does not exist

(the above query worked fine in 7.3.4, as I recall)

treedemo=# \df lpad
               List of functions
 Result data type | Name | Argument data types
 text             | lpad | text, integer
 text             | lpad | text, integer, text

Now, I've been in favor of reducing problematic implicit conversions.  But
VARCHAR --> TEXT is one that needs to stay, as there's no possibility of
ambiguity, and most users count on doing it transparently.

Either that, or we need to build all string function for varchar.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
> ERROR:  function lpad(character varying, bigint) does not exist

> (the above query worked fine in 7.3.4, as I recall)

Really?  I get

regression=# select lpad('xyz'::varchar, 4::int8);
ERROR:  Function lpad(character varying, bigint) does not exist
        Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
        You may need to add explicit typecasts

in 7.3.4, and the same spelled a tad differently in CVS tip ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Josh Berkus

> regression=# select lpad('xyz'::varchar, 4::int8);
> ERROR:  Function lpad(character varying, bigint) does not exist
>         Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument
> types You may need to add explicit typecasts

Oops!  Sorry.  The problem is there, it's just something different than I
orginally thought; the issue is the BIGINT.  What confuses me is how the
bigint got there; it's from this view:

SELECT teams_desc.team_id, team_name, team_code, notes,
    MIN(teams_tree.treeno) as lnode, MAX(teams_tree.treeno) as rnode,
    parent.team_id as parent_id, COUNT(*)/2 as tlevel
FROM teams_desc JOIN teams_tree USING (team_id)
    JOIN teams_tree parent ON parent.treeno < teams_tree.treeno
    JOIN teams_tree parents ON parents.treeno < teams_tree.treeno
WHERE parent.treeno = (SELECT max(p1.treeno) FROM teams_tree p1
        WHERE p1.treeno < teams_tree.treeno
        AND EXISTS (select treeno from teams_tree p2
            where p2.treeno > teams_tree.treeno
            and p2.team_id = p1.team_id))
AND EXISTS (select parents2.team_id from teams_tree parents2
    where parents2.treeno > teams_tree.treeno
    AND parents2.team_id = parents.team_id)
GROUP BY teams_desc.team_id, team_name, team_code, notes, parent.team_id;

In 7.4 beta2, the "tlevel" column comes out as BIGINT, not INT as it certainly
did in 7.2.4 and I think it did in 7.3.4.

Are we now defaulting COUNT(*) to BIGINT?   IF so, that's going to be a *huge*
backwards compatibility warning for people ....

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
> Are we now defaulting COUNT(*) to BIGINT?

Uh, yeah, but we did in 7.2 and 7.3 as well... count() hasn't been
int4 since 7.1...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Josh Berkus

> Uh, yeah, but we did in 7.2 and 7.3 as well... count() hasn't been
> int4 since 7.1...

Hmmm ... can't be 7.2.   The query is taken from a production database written
for 7.2; I'd have noticed the BIGINT problem before now.  Either that, or in
7.2 we were doing implicit conversion from BIGINT to INT for function calls?

However, it's certainly possible it happend in 7.3, as this particular app was
not ported to 7.3.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
>> Uh, yeah, but we did in 7.2 and 7.3 as well... count() hasn't been
>> int4 since 7.1...

> Hmmm ... can't be 7.2.   The query is taken from a production database written
> for 7.2; I'd have noticed the BIGINT problem before now.  Either that, or in
> 7.2 we were doing implicit conversion from BIGINT to INT for function calls?

That could be --- I don't recall exactly when we decided implicit
bigint->int conversion was a bad idea ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Implicit conversion bugaboo in beta2?

Josh Berkus

> That could be --- I don't recall exactly when we decided implicit
> bigint->int conversion was a bad idea ...

Well, it is a bad idea, so I won't argue.  Sorry for the false alarm.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco