Обсуждение: Bug with child tables referencing parent table?


Bug with child tables referencing parent table?

Stefan Schwarzer
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

I think I've found a bug (see below). If you think it's not a bug, I
would be thankful for a workaround. I tried omitting the foreign key
constraint. That works but is unsatisfactory.

Please (also) reply to my email address. Thank you!

Your name        :    Stefan Schwarzer
Your email address    : Stefan.Schwarzer@tu-clausthal.de

System Configuration

  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)      : AMD Athlon

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)     : FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.2.3):   PostgreSQL-7.2.3

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.95.2)        : gcc 2.95.4

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

1. Create a table 'test_parent' with a serial key 'id'

2. Create a child table 'test_child1' which inherits from

3. Insert a row into 'test_child1' with id=1 (for example)

4. Create a child table 'test_child2' which also inherits from
   'test_parent' and has a foreign key referencing 'test_parent(id)'

   The resulting inheritance hierarchy is:

             test_parent (id)
             ^         ^
             |         |
   test_child1 (id)    test_child2 (id, parent_id)

5. Insert a row into 'test_child2' which contains the value 1 (see
   step 3) for the foreign key

6. Step 5 should succeed because id=1 is in fact in 'test_parent' but
   fails with an error message:

ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from
        test_child2 not found in test_parent

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:

In psql (with some reformatting for better readability):

svss=# CREATE TABLE test_parent (id SERIAL);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'test_parent_id_seq' for
         SERIAL column 'test_parent.id'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index 'test_parent_id_key'
         for table 'test_parent'

svss=# CREATE TABLE test_child1 (i INTEGER) INHERITS (test_parent);

svss=# INSERT INTO test_child1 (id, i) VALUES (1, 2);
INSERT 31667553 1

svss=# SELECT * FROM test_child1;
 id | i
  1 | 2
(1 row)

svss=# CREATE TABLE test_child2
           parent_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
           FOREIGN KEY(parent_id) REFERENCES test_parent(id)
       INHERITS (test_parent);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)

svss=# INSERT INTO test_child2 (id, parent_id) VALUES (2, 1);
ERROR:  <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from
        test_child2 not found in test_parent

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:

Sorry, I don't know a fix.

Re: Bug with child tables referencing parent table?

Stephan Szabo
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:

> I think I've found a bug (see below). If you think it's not a bug, I
> would be thankful for a workaround. I tried omitting the foreign key
> constraint. That works but is unsatisfactory.

Foreign key constraints reference only the table named in the constraint,
not any of its children and isn't inherited to children.  If the row were
in test_parent specifically, it would have worked.  In general I haven't
seen any great workarounds, usually I'd suggest splitting the key columns
to a separate table and have the each table in the tree reference that.