Обсуждение: [Fwd: [GENERAL] [Please Help!!!!!!!!] Problem in Chinese (Big5)!!! Version 7.2.1 (come with Redhat 7.3)]

Hi all,

I am runing redhat 7.3, and install the postgresql 7.2.1 from Redhat CD.
I try to create a new database encode with EUC_TW... it should be
support chinese (Big5). And then i use Pgadmin II to input chinese
character "中文字" , it reject me... like following :

ERROR : Invalid EUC_TW character sequence found (0xa672)....

when i input "中文" , it fine... i know the problem in the chinese
character "字"... but the character just normal ... just like in english
"A", "B", "C", not a special character in chinese.... i have try more
more chinese word with different encode.. like unicode, euc_cn..and
more... also reject me... "invalid.... character sequece...".

Anyone experience about case.... how to solve the problem ? Please help,


PS: In verison 7.1.3, it work fine with EUC_TW, now, i still could not
restore to 7.2.1... :-(

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