Обсуждение: General Bug Report: "Create User TestUser IN GROUP group_name" does not add the user to the group.


General Bug Report: "Create User TestUser IN GROUP group_name" does not add the user to the group.

Unprivileged user
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               : Michael Davis
Your email address      : mdavis@sevainc.com

Category                : runtime: back-end
Severity                : serious

Summary: "Create User TestUser IN GROUP group_name"  does not add the user to the group.

System Configuration
  Operating System   : Red Hat 5.1

  PostgreSQL version : 6.5-990428

  Compiler used      : gcc version

Dual Pentium II, 128M RAM
Linux linus 2.0.34 #12 Tue Oct 6 23:24:13 MDT 1998 i686 unknown

Versions of other tools:


Problem Description:
The command "Create User TestUser IN GROUP group_name"  does not add the user to the group.  You have to "   UPDATE
pg_groupset grolist = '{501,514,502,503,504}' where grosysid = 1;" to get groups to work.  The create user should
automaticallyadd the user to the grolist of pg_group when the GROUP clause is used. 


Test Case:
Create User TestUser IN GROUP group_name;
Grant all on table_name to group group_name;
log on as TestUser;
update table_name; and you should see a permission problem.


