Обсуждение: We need proofreaders for the PG Mag Chinese Edition


We need proofreaders for the PG Mag Chinese Edition

PostgreSQL Magazine
Hi guys,

First of all, let me just say that the PGMag Chinese translation team
rocks :)

In a few months, they have achieved the translation and the layout
editing of the two first editions of magazine. (issue #00 and issue #01)

While I have no doubt about the quality of their work, I must admit that
I don't speak a word of Chinese. And Google Translate is not helping much!

So before publishing the files on the website, I would like to know if
there's someone on this list that can read both Chinese and English and
give me his opinion on it.

If you're willing to help me with this, please send an e-mail to
contact@pgmag.org and I will send you the PDF.


damien clochard
PostgreSQL Magazine Editor in Chief