Обсуждение: Italian PGDay 2011, Call for papers is now open


Italian PGDay 2011, Call for papers is now open

Gabriele Bartolini

The fifth edition of the Italian PostgreSQL Day (PGDay.IT 2011) will be held on November 25 in Prato.

It will cover topics for users, developers and contributors to PostgreSQL, as well as decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference, please visit the website at http://2011.pgday.it/.

Proposals for talks are now being accepted. Please note that talks will be accepted in both English and Italian. This call for papers is targeted for English speakers.

Each session will last 30 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:

  • Developing applications for PostgreSQL
  • Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
  • Case studies of PostgreSQL deployments
  • PostgreSQL tools and utilities
  • PostgreSQL hacking
  • Community & user groups
  • Tuning the server
  • Migrating from other systems
  • Scaling/replication
  • Benchmarking & hardware
  • PostgreSQL related products

Of course, proposals for talks on other PostgreSQL related topics will also be gladly accepted. A limited number of longer, 60-minute, slots will be available, especially aimed at practical tutorials. Please indicate clearly in your submission if you wish to make a 60-minute talk.

It is also possible for you to give a tutorial on advanced use, administration or development of a PostgreSQL cluster. Every tutorial must have a live demo, didactic material for attendees and have to be no more long than 60 minutes. All the material required for the tutorial itself (e.g., slides, code snippets, howtos, etc.) are on the lecturer(s).

Finally, there will be a session of five minute lightning talks. A separate call for proposals will be made for these further on.

The submission deadline is October 16th, 2011. Selected speakers will be notified on October 18th, 2011. Please email your proposals to pgday2011@itpug.org, and include the following information:

  • Name
  • Company (if applicable)
  • Biography (a paragraph about you and your involvement with PostgreSQL)
  • Presentation title
  • Presentation abstract
  • Specific requests

The proposals will be considered by a committee that will finalise the schedule to be published nearer the conference date. If your proposal has been accepted, you will be informed by email.

Submission form and more detailed information are available as a PDF document here: http://2011.pgday.it/sites/default/files/PGDay2011-CFP-EN_0.pdf

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Prato in November!

Gabriele Bartolini
Italian PostgreSQL Users Group (ITPUG), President