Обсуждение: Funds available for US User Groups


Funds available for US User Groups

"Joshua D. Drake"
Just to get the word everywhere I can:

As the United States PostgreSQL Association continues to grow we are
extending the services we provide to our members and the PostgreSQL.Org
community in the United States. I am pleased to announce that we have
budgeted for 4000.00 USD to be provided to United States based
PostgreSQL User Groups from September 2010 through December 2010.

Specifically the United States PostgreSQL Association is providing a
lump sum pool of 1000.00 USD per month to PostgreSQL User Groups in the
United States. This is a trial and will be available from September 2010
through December 2010 after which point it will be reviewed for further

In order to qualify for financial support the following must apply:

  * The User Group member requesting reimbursement must be a United
    States PostgreSQL Member.
  * We must have receipts provided (fax/pdf).
  * There is only 1000.00 USD available in total per calendar month.
    First come, first serve.
  * The reimbursement request must be pre-approved.

If you are seeking reimbursement, email treasurer <at> postgresql.us.

The expenses can be for just about anything as long as it is in support
of the User Group.

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