Обсуждение: "At a Glance" translation to de and it


"At a Glance" translation to de and it

Chris Mair

I'd like to translate the article "At a Glance"
into german and italian.

If somebody else is working on a translation
into these languages or if there is something else
I need to know in advance, please let me know.

Bye, Chris.

Re: "At a Glance" translation to de and it

Robert Treat
On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 09:20, Chris Mair wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to translate the article "At a Glance"
> (http://wwwdevel.postgresql.org/about/features)
> into german and italian.
> If somebody else is working on a translation
> into these languages or if there is something else
> I need to know in advance, please let me know.

Yes, I'm actually putting together an email for someone else with some
instructions, I will CC you on it. Might be a few more days though.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

Re: "At a Glance" translation to de and it

Josh Berkus
Robert, Chris,

> > If somebody else is working on a translation
> > into these languages or if there is something else
> > I need to know in advance, please let me know.
> Yes, I'm actually putting together an email for someone else with some
> instructions, I will CC you on it. Might be a few more days though.

There is a translators@postgresql.org mailing list.    While it's used just
for releases right now, there's no reason it has to be.   Wanna join?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco