Обсуждение: a flyer and a poster


a flyer and a poster

Stefan Schumacher
    After doing some advocacy stuff for NetBSD I thought it might be a good
idea to do so for PostgreSQL too.

    I created a A4 flyer and a A1 poster with LaTeX (in english), the sources
and the compiled PDF-files can be found at [1].
Both are still marked as draft and should be reviewed by someone with
more knowledge of PostgreSQL and english, though I took most of the
content from postgresql.org. The poster uses two pictures, the big elephant
logo and a screenshot of psql(1), if someone has a better picture than the
2nd, please mail it to mee.

    Since the poster still is a draft, both pictures are currently high
compressed and of low quality, this will be fixed in the final
version, of course.

[1] http://www-e.uni-magdeburg.de/steschum/psql/

Please keep me CC'd, i'm not subscribed
First comes smiles, then lies. Last is gunfire.

Roland Deschain of Gilead


Re: a flyer and a poster

Peter Eisentraut
Stefan Schumacher wrote:
>     After doing some advocacy stuff for NetBSD I thought it might be a
> good idea to do so for PostgreSQL too.

Great.  If you are going to a promotional event for PostgreSQL, I can
send you a pile of already printed fliers and stickers that you can
distribute.  I don't have any posters to give away though, they were
too expensive to print.

For the poster, don't put too much text on it, just a logo and a catch
phrase, that's all.  The poster will draw people to you, then they can
read the details in your brochure.

One request in general: Never put "Postgre" and "SQL" in different
colors.  That just makes people mispronounce it.

Peter Eisentraut

Re: a flyer and a poster

Robert Treat
On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 11:27, Stefan Schumacher wrote:
>     After doing some advocacy stuff for NetBSD I thought it might be
> a good
> idea to do so for PostgreSQL too.
>     I created a A4 flyer and a A1 poster with LaTeX (in english),
> the sources
> and the compiled PDF-files can be found at [1].
> Both are still marked as draft and should be reviewed by someone with
> more knowledge of PostgreSQL and english, though I took most of the
> content from postgresql.org. The poster uses two pictures, the big
> elephant
> logo and a screenshot of psql(1), if someone has a better picture than
> the
> 2nd, please mail it to mee.
>     Since the poster still is a draft, both pictures are currently
> high
> compressed and of low quality, this will be fixed in the final
> version, of course.
> [1] http://www-e.uni-magdeburg.de/steschum/psql/

A couple of quick suggestions.

1) Never used different colors/fonts for "Postgre" & "SQL", it just
confuses people.

2) I think the poster is too "wordy".  You should probably try cutting
back to just bullet points rather than having paragraphs of text.

3) On the flyer, you need to put the name "PostgreSQL" somewhere on the
page so that folks know what the flyer is referring to. Also listing the
website, www.postgresql.org, might be a good idea.

Thats a good start, I'm sure others will chime in who do shows more
often like Josh and Peter.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

Re: a flyer and a poster

Thomas Hallgren
Stefan Schumacher wrote:

>     After doing some advocacy stuff for NetBSD I thought it might be a good
> idea to do so for PostgreSQL too.
>     I created a A4 flyer and a A1 poster with LaTeX (in english), the sources
> and the compiled PDF-files can be found at [1].
> Both are still marked as draft and should be reviewed by someone with
> more knowledge of PostgreSQL and english, though I took most of the
> content from postgresql.org. The poster uses two pictures, the big elephant
> logo and a screenshot of psql(1), if someone has a better picture than the
> 2nd, please mail it to mee.
>     Since the poster still is a draft, both pictures are currently high
> compressed and of low quality, this will be fixed in the final
> version, of course.
> [1] http://www-e.uni-magdeburg.de/steschum/psql/
> Please keep me CC'd, i'm not subscribed

I have two suggestions:

The wording:

"PostgreSQL runs on all modern Unix-like operating systems and with 8.0
even on NT based Windows Systems."

The "even on" might raise an eyebrow or two, at least if you're new to
Postgres. Most databases that I know of run on Windows and there's
nothing special about that. Perhaps you could write:

"PostgreSQL 8.0 runs on all modern Unix-like, and Windows (NT-based)
Operating Systems."

You mention "Client programming languages and interfaces" but not
"Server programming languages". IMO, the ability to use a variety of
languages (psql, perl, tcl, java, C, ...),  for your triggers and
functions is a great feature.


Thomas Hallgren