Обсуждение: slashdot on PostgreSQL / compiere


slashdot on PostgreSQL / compiere

Neil Conway

Re: slashdot on PostgreSQL / compiere

Shridhar Daithankar
Neil Conway wrote:

> I haven't seen this posted here:
> http://slashdot.org/articles/03/11/03/127244.shtml?tid=126&tid=163&tid=98&tid=99

You should have read the commentary. It is even funnier. Not many people liked
the idea of paying for what they see as design mistake i.e. depending upon only
one database.

Of course that is /. and has only a definite wight to it but still.. Its funny..
Especially the request of co-operation was bounced from compiere developers IIRC.


Re: slashdot on PostgreSQL / compiere

Josh Berkus

> You should have read the commentary. It is even funnier. Not many people
> liked the idea of paying for what they see as design mistake i.e. depending
> upon only one database.
> Of course that is /. and has only a definite wight to it but still.. Its
> funny.. Especially the request of co-operation was bounced from compiere
> developers IIRC.

Yeah ... I'm wondering if the poster who said that he sent in a donation a
year ago and can't get his e-mail returned is honest.   I mean, jeez, if
Compiere development is being funded by re-selling Oracle licences, then
can't the project leads just be honest and say so?  And if they are really
interested in a port, why the total lack of progress over a year?

Also, the bugbear of "database independance" is an issue to tackle one day ...

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco