Обсуждение: Postgres log configuration for locking


Postgres log configuration for locking

Raj Gandhi
I’m using Postgres 9.1 and enabled the log configuration param ‘log_lock_waits’.
However, it only logs the session which is waiting for the lock longer than ‘deadlock_timeout’. It doesn’t log the session which acquired the lock? 
Is there a way to log the session that acquired the lock along with the session which is waiting for the lock?


Re: Postgres log configuration for locking

Jerry Sievers
Raj Gandhi <raj01gandhi@gmail.com> writes:

> I’m using Postgres 9.1 and enabled the log configuration param ‘log_lock_waits’.
> However, it only logs the session which is waiting for the lock longer than ‘deadlock_timeout’. It doesn’t log
thesession which acquired the lock?  
> Is there a way to log the session that acquired the lock along with the session which is waiting for the lock?

Do you assume there is but 1 single session blocking the waiter?

False in cases where some N number of sessions are all holding less
invasive locks and you are pending on a heavier one.

To wit; share locks granted and an exclusive locker pending.

The question in regards to whether it's possible to  log more info
here in any case  isn't something I can answer personally.


> Thanks,
> Raj

Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
e: postgres.consulting@comcast.net
p: 312.241.7800