Обсуждение: PG Service won't start


PG Service won't start

Trent Pingenot
Hello list,

I made a really dumb mistake of killing a fairly simple select query (no inserts or updates) that was taking way to long to cancel.  I foolishly killed the query by closing the window in PGAdmin3.  Alas I figured it was time for a reboot so I rebooted. Upon reboot my PG Service won't start.

I tried starting it manually but comes back saying it won't start but didn't report an error.

I check the Event Viewer and I see "could not open process token: error code 5"

I tried rebooting again.

I tried starting with with pg_ctrl

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin>pg_ctl start -w  -l mylog.txt -D C:\Program%20Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\data
waiting for server to start...Access is denied.
............................................................could not start server

 but again without luck. No log file was created.

The version is 8.2.3 running on Windows 2000 Server SP4.

It's been running for a year or more without problems. We have several databases, several table_spaces and lots of data. We have backup dumps of some but not all of the data so it wouldn't be a total loss, but it would be nice to recover. We are using the PostGIS "extension" since we deal with geographic data almost exclusively, not sure if that complicates anything.

Any ideas or a suggestions would be much appreciated. I feel pretty stupid for being impatient.

Thanks in advance,
