Обсуждение: Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server

"Érica J. B. Viana Cruz"
Dear colleagues,
     Good morning and greetings from Brazil!!
     May anyone help me with a question...
     I'm working on a project and we are supposed to use Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL on the same server. There was any problem or risk on this? Anyone has worked on the same situation?
    I searched on the web and on documentation and I could not find out comments about it.
    Any help will be appreciated :)
Thanks in advance,   
Érica J. B. Viana Cruz

Re: Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server

"Magnus Hagander"
> Dear colleagues,
>      Good morning and greetings from Brazil!!
>      May anyone help me with a question...
>      I'm working on a project and we are supposed to use
> Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL on the same server. There
> was any problem or risk on this? Anyone has worked on the
> same situation?
>     I searched on the web and on documentation and I could
> not find out comments about it.
>     Any help will be appreciated :)

Should work fine. Just make sure you limit how much memory SQL Server i allowed to use (using Enterprise Manager,
propertieson the server node). If not, SQL Server will grab all memory on the machine and there will be none left for
PostgreSQLor the kernel cache. 


RES: Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server

"Rodrigo Sakai"

  Cara amiga brasileira! Como já respondido pelo Magnus, não tem absolutamente nenhum problema! Mas veja que se for um ambiente em produção isso pode gerar problemas futuros em relação ao desempenho!




De: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org] Em nome de Érica J. B. Viana Cruz
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2006 10:19
Para: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Assunto: [ADMIN] Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


Dear colleagues,


     Good morning and greetings from Brazil!!

     May anyone help me with a question...


     I'm working on a project and we are supposed to use Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL on the same server. There was any problem or risk on this? Anyone has worked on the same situation?


    I searched on the web and on documentation and I could not find out comments about it.


    Any help will be appreciated :)


Thanks in advance,   
Érica J. B. Viana Cruz

Re: Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server

"Benjamin Krajmalnik"

In addition to what Rodrigo said so eloquently in Portuguese (no fallu prtugues! <vbg>), the only issue you will experience is a performance hit.

It is not a good idea to have 2 separate database servers running on the same set of drive spindles.  I usually deploy them in different servers.  That way, the MS SQL Servr has priority access to the resources on the SQL Server box,, and the PostgreSQL on the PostgreSQL box.  The other thing to take into account is that SQL Server needs lots of memory to operate, whereas from my experience PostgreSQL is a lot better with resources.  Depending on the amount of memory on the box, PostgreSQl may not have enough left for it by SQL Server to run effectively.



From: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Sakai
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 2:25 PM
To: 'Érica J. B. Viana Cruz'; pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Subject: RES: [ADMIN] Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


  Cara amiga brasileira! Como já respondido pelo Magnus, não tem absolutamente nenhum problema! Mas veja que se for um ambiente em produção isso pode gerar problemas futuros em relação ao desempenho!




De: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org] Em nome de Érica J. B. Viana Cruz
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2006 10:19
Para: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Assunto: [ADMIN] Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


Dear colleagues,


     Good morning and greetings from Brazil!!

     May anyone help me with a question...


     I'm working on a project and we are supposed to use Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL on the same server. There was any problem or risk on this? Anyone has worked on the same situation?


    I searched on the web and on documentation and I could not find out comments about it.


    Any help will be appreciated :)


Thanks in advance,   
Érica J. B. Viana Cruz

Re: Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server

"Paul S"
I would have to agree with Benjamin here.  With the money you save by running Postgres, you can buy another server.   :)

On 6/26/06, Benjamin Krajmalnik <kraj@illumen.com> wrote:

In addition to what Rodrigo said so eloquently in Portuguese (no fallu prtugues! <vbg>), the only issue you will experience is a performance hit.

It is not a good idea to have 2 separate database servers running on the same set of drive spindles.  I usually deploy them in different servers.  That way, the MS SQL Servr has priority access to the resources on the SQL Server box,, and the PostgreSQL on the PostgreSQL box.  The other thing to take into account is that SQL Server needs lots of memory to operate, whereas from my experience PostgreSQL is a lot better with resources.  Depending on the amount of memory on the box, PostgreSQl may not have enough left for it by SQL Server to run effectively.



From: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org ] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Sakai
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 2:25 PM
To: 'Érica J. B. Viana Cruz'; pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Subject: RES: [ADMIN] Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


  Cara amiga brasileira! Como já respondido pelo Magnus, não tem absolutamente nenhum problema! Mas veja que se for um ambiente em produção isso pode gerar problemas futuros em relação ao desempenho!




De: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org [mailto: pgsql-admin-owner@postgresql.org] Em nome de Érica J. B. Viana Cruz
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2006 10:19
Para: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Assunto: [ADMIN] Using PostgreSQL and MIcrosoft SQLServer on the same server


Dear colleagues,


     Good morning and greetings from Brazil!!

     May anyone help me with a question...


     I'm working on a project and we are supposed to use Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL on the same server. There was any problem or risk on this? Anyone has worked on the same situation?


    I searched on the web and on documentation and I could not find out comments about it.


    Any help will be appreciated :)


Thanks in advance,   
Érica J. B. Viana Cruz