Обсуждение: strange problem with plpgsql
I have a strange problem with a plpgsql function. Here is the code :
create function tg_survey_au() returns opaque as '
if new.dateexpire != old.dateexpire or new.email != old.email then
insert into survey_log values (
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_survey_au after update on survey for each row execute procedure tg_survey_au();
The problem is about the 'or' in the if statement. I have tested the if statement with just one condition. One with dateexpire and one with email. It works very well. Then I have joined the two conditions in the if statement with an 'or' like here in the code. Then, I have an insert in survey_log just when the email change, not if the dateexpire change! It seems that the 'or' does not work.
Any idea ?
Note : The tests have been tested on a postgresql version 7.0.2 on a RedHat Linux 6.2 machine.
-- Richard NAGY Presenceweb / Nameshield