Обсуждение: Problems solved so far (Rookie in installation-trouble -> PLEEEASE HELP; Installation-trouble)


Problems solved so far (Rookie in installation-trouble -> PLEEEASE HELP; Installation-trouble)

"Christoph Lange"
Thanks to all the people who helped!

Concerning: Rookie in installation-trouble -> PLEEEASE HELP
I had made a very silly mistake concerning the directories used with the
     ./conifgure --prefix=...........
Tried another installation and - with another cry for help (Didn't know how to do "Step 8" of the installation guide) - it seems to work until now.

Concerning: Installation-trouble
Just missed step 8 of the installation guide (Actually didn't know how to do it!).
For all other helpless lemminglike rookies:

uranus% cd /home/lange/pgsql
uranus% gunzip postgresql-7.0.3.tar.gz
uranus% tar -xf postgresql-7.0.3.tar

uranus% cd postgresql-7.0.3/src
uranus% mkdir /home/lange/pgsql/local

uranus% ./configure --prefix=/home/lange/pgsql/local

uranus% gmake
    All of PostgreSQL is successfully made. Ready to install

uranus% cd /home/lange/pgsql/postgresql-7.0.3/src/test/regress
uranus% gmake clean
uranus% gmake all
uranus% gmake runcheck
uranus% cd /home/lange/pgsql/postgresql-7.0.3/src/

uranus% gmake install
    Thank you for choosing PostgreSQL, the most advanced open source database

uranus% mkdir /home/lange/pgsql/local/data
uranus% chown lange /home/lange/pgsql/local/data
uranus% su - lange
    Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.6       Generic August 1997

uranus% /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/initdb -D /home/lange/pgsql/local/data
    Success. You can now start the database server using:

        /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/postmaster -D /home/lange/pgsql/local/data
        /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/lange/pgsql/local/data start

uranus% /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/postmaster -D /home/lange/pgsql/local/data&
    [1] 11787
uranus% DEBUG:  Data Base System is starting up at Wed Feb 28 15:46:52 2001
    DEBUG:  Data Base System was shut down at Wed Feb 28 15:42:51 2001
    DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state at Wed Feb 28 15:46:52 2001

uranus% /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/createdb testdb
    ld.so.1: /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/psql: fatal: libpq.so: open failed: No such file or directory
    createdb: database creation failed

uranus% cat ~/.cshrc
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/lange/pgsql/local/lib

uranus% /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/postmaster -D /home/lange/pgsql/local/data&
    [1] 28723
    uranus% DEBUG:  Data Base System is starting up at Fri Mar  2 15:38:35 2001
    DEBUG:  Data Base System was shut down at Thu Mar  1 18:35:06 2001
    DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state at Fri Mar  2 15:38:35 2001
uranus% /home/lange/pgsql/local/bin/createdb test
uranus% psql test
    Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

test=# \q