Обсуждение: PostgreSQL questions


PostgreSQL questions

The Hermit Hacker

I just installed the postgresql database into our Sun enterprise 5000 machine.
I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind.

1. Is there a TCL extension to this database? I see you have a pgtksh, pktclsh
   interpreter compiled with the package. I was thinking if I can have the
   postgresql interfaces incorporated to our TCL/TK interpreter.

2. I can't seem to figure out how I can setup to run the psql clients on
   other sun machines beside the server that the postmaster is running on.
   Do you know how I can setup to do that?

3. The \copy command. What do I use for the delimeter of each field?
   I can't seem to find that in the documentation.


Ben Hoang

Re: [ADMIN] PostgreSQL questions

Peter Mount
On Sat, 16 May 1998, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> I just installed the postgresql database into our Sun enterprise 5000 machine.
> I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind.
> 1. Is there a TCL extension to this database? I see you have a pgtksh, pktclsh
>    interpreter compiled with the package. I was thinking if I can have the
>    postgresql interfaces incorporated to our TCL/TK interpreter.

It's been a while since I played with building TCL/TK interpretters, but
IIRC, simply add the pgtcl init code into your own interpretter, and

> 2. I can't seem to figure out how I can setup to run the psql clients on
>    other sun machines beside the server that the postmaster is running on.
>    Do you know how I can setup to do that?

$(PGDATA)/pg_hba.conf defines how/who can connect remotely. Also, the
postmaster must have the -i flag, which enables TCP/IP networking.

> 3. The \copy command. What do I use for the delimeter of each field?
>    I can't seem to find that in the documentation.

It defaults to tab, but you can define your own. Try:

 \h copy

Peter T Mount peter@retep.org.uk or petermount@earthling.net
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