Обсуждение: logging problem on OS X


logging problem on OS X

Kirk Wythers
Does anyone know where the directory path for logging files comes from, under "Options -> Logging"? I have a newly
downloadedbinary of pgadmin (1.12), that defaults to an old user that does not exist on my machine. Any attempt to
resetthe path with the browse command causes pgadmin to crash/quit.  

I am getting the "can't write logfile" message when I try and connect to my server. However, I have already set the
listenaddress parameter to "*", and added md5 to pg_hba.conf file. When I noticed the directory path issue,
Iwondered if that could be part of the problem. The user name is an old user that does not exist on the system anymore.
Theremust be a file somewhere that was not deleted when I tossed the old version of pgadmin.  

I am running OS X 10.6.x postgresql 9.x and have tried pgadmin 1.12.2 and 1.12.1

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Re: logging problem on OS X

Dave Page
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Kirk Wythers <kwythers@umn.edu> wrote:
> Does anyone know where the directory path for logging files comes from, under "Options -> Logging"? I have a newly
downloadedbinary of pgadmin (1.12), that defaults to an old user that does not exist on my machine. Any attempt to
resetthe path with the browse command causes pgadmin to crash/quit. 
> I am getting the "can't write logfile" message when I try and connect to my server. However, I have already set the
listenaddress parameter to "*", and added md5 to pg_hba.conf file. When I noticed the directory path issue,
Iwondered if that could be part of the problem. The user name is an old user that does not exist on the system anymore.
Theremust be a file somewhere that was not deleted when I tossed the old version of pgadmin. 
> I am running OS X 10.6.x postgresql 9.x and have tried pgadmin 1.12.2 and 1.12.1

Sounds like something pretty funky is going on on your machine. Did
you take ownership of any of the files owned by the ex-account holder?

The settings are stored on a per-user basis, in
"~/Library/Preferences/pgadmin3 Preferences". It's in ini file format,
so you should be able to edit the value in there.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

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