Обсуждение: random scrolling when double-clicking in Edit Data window


random scrolling when double-clicking in Edit Data window

"Dan Halbert"
<font face="arial" size="2">pagadmin3 1.10.0, GNOME Ubuntu 9.10, 64-bit:<br /><br />Sometimes when I double-click in a
fieldin a Edit Data window, the rows scroll to somewhere else, sometimes completely away from where I'm clicking.<br
/><br/>Scenario for me:<br />1. Look at a table with about 30 rows (more than fit in Edit Data) and two columns<br />2.
Scrollto the last row. Double-click in the last row in the second column<br />3. Scroll to the first row. Double click
inthe first row in the second column.<br />4. The Edit Data window will scroll to the last row on its own.<br /><br />I
don'tknow if there's anything special about the number of rows or columns: I suspect not. Sometimes I cannot quite
duplicatethis, but just playing around will usually cause it to happen. Sometimes the jumping scrolling is only a few
rowsas opposed to going to the top or bottom, depending on where I was and then where I click. Seems like a position
indicatoris not being updated.<br /><br />Dan<br /></font>