Обсуждение: pgAgent on Macbook


pgAgent on Macbook

Poonam Nijhawan
Hi Support,

I   have installed pgagent on my Macbok version 10.5.7. It's running on Postgres version 8.2.10.  I created the schema
andI was able to see jobs node there. 

I have not started any daemon as I don't know how to do that.

Could you please provide some instruction on how can I get the pgagent running on my MAC Book. Please let me know if
thereis a document that I need to follow. 

I understand that for Linux, there is a separate binary  pgAgent-3.0.0-Linux.tar.gz‎ (415 KB‎)

Do we have anything of this sort for MAC. pgagent worked fine on Windows which is a 32 bit operating system, how about
MACsince it is a 64 bit Operating System. 

Please guide on this.


Re: pgAgent on Macbook

Dave Page
2009/6/4 Poonam Nijhawan <pnijhawan@greenplum.com>:
> Hi Support,
> I   have installed pgagent on my Macbok version 10.5.7. It's running on Postgres version 8.2.10.  I created the
schemaand I was able to see jobs node there. 
> I have not started any daemon as I don't know how to do that.
> Could you please provide some instruction on how can I get the pgagent running on my MAC Book. Please let me know if
thereis a document that I need to follow. 

We have no documentation on that as this problem is very OS specific.
I'd suggest Googling for information on creating a launch daemon,
which should work fine - an un-tested plist file might look like
(substitute the variables for real values):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"       "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict>       <key>Disabled</key>       <false/>       <key>Label</key>       <string>com.edb.launchd.pgagent</string>
   <key>ProgramArguments</key>       <array>               <string>$INSTALL_DIR/bin/pgagent</string>
<string>-f</string>              <string>-l1</string>               <string>-s</string>
<string>/var/log/pgagent.log</string>              <string>host=$PG_HOST</string>
<string>port=$PG_PORT</string>              <string>dbname=$PG_DATABASE</string>
<string>user=$PG_USER</string>      </array>       <key>RunAtLoad</key>       <true/>       <key>UserName</key>
<string>postgres</string>  <key>KeepAlive</key>   <dict>        <key>SuccessfulExit</key>        <false/>   </dict> 

> I understand that for Linux, there is a separate binary  pgAgent-3.0.0-Linux.tar.gz‎ (415 KB‎)

As there is for Mac:

> Do we have anything of this sort for MAC. pgagent worked fine on Windows which is a 32 bit operating system, how
aboutMAC since it is a 64 bit Operating System. 

OS X on any Mac Book will be 32 bit iirc.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com

Re: pgAgent on Macbook

Dave Page
2009/6/5 Poonam Nijhawan <pnijhawan@greenplum.com>:
> Hi There,
> I am managed to install pgagent on my mac book. I could see the pgagent process running. I have attached the
screenshotsfor the same. 
>   root# ps -eaf | grep pgagent
>    0 12627     1   0   0:00.01 ttys000    0:00.01 pgagent -l 1 dbname=postgres user=postgres
>    0 12650 45330   0   0:00.00 ttys000    0:00.00 grep pgagent
> But when I am clicking on "run now " on job node to execute the job in the statistics window it shows running but in
thebackground it throws following error:- 
> root# The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().

Start pgagent with the -f option. It seems that fork without exec
doesn't play nicely in Leopard.

You need -f anyway, when starting using launchd, as launchd process
shouldn't fork/exec as launchd can think they've died and restart.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com