Обсуждение: PgAdmin 1.10 beta 1 - scratch pad won't go away


PgAdmin 1.10 beta 1 - scratch pad won't go away

Raymond O'Donnell
Hi all,

Whenever I open a new instance of the Query Tool, the scratch pad pane
is always visible, even if I had closed it the last time I had a query
window open.

In previous versions, once I closed the scratch pad it remained hidden

I'm running on Windows XP SP2.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals: http://www.galwaycathedral.org/recitals

Re: PgAdmin 1.10 beta 1 - scratch pad won't go away

Dave Page
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Raymond O'Donnell <rod@iol.ie> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Whenever I open a new instance of the Query Tool, the scratch pad pane
> is always visible, even if I had closed it the last time I had a query
> window open.
> In previous versions, once I closed the scratch pad it remained hidden
> thereafter.

Thanks - fixed in SVN. This was a side effect of the way the query
builder hides/shows the scratch pad and output pane when it is

There is still a slight oddity there - when you return to the SQL pane
from the GQB, the width of the scratch pad returns to it's default.
Luis; any idea what's causing that?

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com

Re: PgAdmin 1.10 beta 1 - scratch pad won't go away

Dave Page
[Re-adding the support list]

Hi Luis

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Luis Ochoa <ziul1979@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Then the bug:
>> There is still a slight oddity there - when you return to the SQL pane
>> from the GQB, the width of the scratch pad returns to it's default.
>> Luis; any idea what's causing that?
> The problem is the Scratch pad and outputPane are not inside the
> sqlNotebook:
>     sqlNotebook->AddPage(sqlQuery, _("SQL Editor"));
>     sqlNotebook->AddPage(controller->getViewContainer(), _("Graphical Query
> Builder"));


> instead it's located at the wxAUI just like the sqlNotebook, because of this
> I create a little hack that show/hide the scratchPad when you change between
> the SQL Editor and the GQB, but this hack have a side effect that I don't
> know until now and right now I don't know how to fix it.
> ...
>     manager.AddPane(outputPane, ...);
>     manager.AddPane(scratchPad, ...);
>     manager.AddPane(sqlNotebook, ...);
> The problem is here:
> if(sqlNotebook && sqlNotebook->GetPageCount() >= 2)
>     {
>         if (event.GetSelection() == 0)
>        {
> ...
>         if (viewMenu->IsChecked(MNU_OUTPUTPANE))
>                 manager.GetPane(wxT("outputPane")).Show(true);
>             if (viewMenu->IsChecked(MNU_SCRATCHPAD))
>                 manager.GetPane(wxT("scratchPad")).Show(true);
>         manager.Update();
> ...
>         }
>         else
>         {
>         manager.GetPane(wxT("outputPane")).Show(false);
>                manager.GetPane(wxT("scratchPad")).Show(false);
>         manager.Update();
> ...
>     }
> When I use the show / hide function in wxAui the objects are hide, but when
> they're show they recover their original size and not the previous size,
> because of this the bug affect either scratchPad and outputPane.

That's the code I changed to fix Ray's problem - the code was
unconditionally re-enabling the two panes, whereas it now only
re-enables them if they were visible to begin with.

However, that isn't the cause of the resizing as far as I'm aware - we
can usually turn panes on and off without them losing their size. In
fact, when the scratch pad is re-displayed, it looks to me as though
it does take it's original size to begin with, and then resizes, so I
wonder if it's part of the GQB layout code that's causing  a resize.
I'm suspicious of the code that's fired by the timer.

> I'm going to research for a solution and probably this weekend I will fix
> it, meanwhile I disable this function on this patch to demostrate how it
> affect the GUI. But if you have any ideas or suggestions welcome!

I haven't applied the patch as we're in beta now, so I don't want to
apply anything except the final bug fix. I have applied the control ID
fix though - thaks.

> P.S. I don't send this mail to pgadmin-hackers list because you sent it
> directly to me.

Only because I wasn't sure if you're watching the support list :-p

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com